Neeraj Buch
Honorary Member Since 2020
Honorary Member Since 2020
Dr. Buch, Ph.D., Professor-Michigan State University, Chairperson, Deparment of Civil and Environmental Engineering-Michigan State University, and former President-ISCP (2014-2018) holds an M.S. degree from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and a Ph.D. degree from Texas A&M University-College Station. He served as Chair of Nominating Committee-ISCP for many years.
Dr. Buch’s interests are in the area of concrete pavement design, rehabilitation, non-destructive testing of pavements, and composite materials. His research focuses on:
• Development of rut and fatigue prediction models for flexible pavements design
• Developing crack deterioration algorithms for rigid pavements
• Development of rehabilitation strategies
• Study of recyclable materials in Portland cement concrete and asphalt concrete
• Characterization of Portland cement concrete mixtures and their impact on pavement design and performance, pavement response and performance modeling, and pavement preservation
• Investigation of design and construction factors on the response and performance of new flexible and rigid pavements (LTPP program)
• Effectives of precast panels as a rapid repair alternative
• Impact of dowel misalignment on the performance of concrete pavements
• Evaluation and implementation of PAVEMENT ME for the state of Michigan
• The characterization of thermal properties for the various aggregate lithologies in Michigan
Dr. Buch has worked on numerous projects funded by state highway agencies (MDOT, CDOT, South Dakota DOT), as well as the FHWA, SHRP II, NSF, and the NCHRP.
Dr. Buch teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in concrete materials and pavement engineering; and for practicing engineers in Michigan, he teaches short courses on pavement design and rehabilitation, and pavement materials. He is a member of Transportation Research Board (TRB) committee AFN20 (Properties of Concrete); member of the ASCE/T&DI highway pavements committee; Member of ASCE LTPP Task Committee; served as the chairperson of American Concrete Institute (ACI) committee 325 on rigid pavements; and Fellow of the ACI.
Some of Dr. Buch’s notable work includes:
- A Laboratory Evaluation of Alignment Tolerances for Dowel Bars and Their Effect on Joint Opening Behavior
- Quantifying Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Values of Typical Hydraulic Cement Concrete Paving Mixtures
- Evaluation of the 1-37A Design Process for New and Rehabilitated JPCP and HMA Pavements
- Characterization of Truck Traffic in Michigan for the New Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide
- Preparation for Implementation of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide in Michigan – Part 2: Rehabilitation Evaluation
- Precast Concrete Pavement Technology