Michigan Technological University (MTU)
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)
Program Description
Located in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of the state of Michigan, Michigan Technological University’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering provides undergraduate and graduate education in a variety of areas. To complement research efforts in this department, the Michigan Tech Transportation Institute (MTTI) provides an umbrella for researchers across campus to come together in an effort to advance the broad area of transportation. The University Transportation Center for Materials in Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (MiSTI) is also an extremely active program promoting the development of sustainability in the concrete pavements.
Extensive experience and facilities exist for characterization of materials and pavements from the micro to macro levels. Michigan Tech is equipped with world-renown microstructural characterization facilities and expertise. The AMRL-accredited Benedict Laboratory provides 15,000 ft2 and a high bay area devoted to concrete research and is well equipped to handle concrete material and pavement research of all scales.
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