John Figueroa


Board Member (Term Expires in 2021)

John Figueroa is the Director of John Figueroa Consulting, and works as part-time Technical Leader-Pavements Aurecon, an engineering and infrastructure advisory company in Sydney, Australia. John is a Consulting Engineer in the area of design and construction of heavy duty pavements. He holds a Master’s degree in Civil/Structural Engineering and a Graduate Diploma in Pavement Engineering. His interests span all aspects of pavement materials and engineering, especially the development of technical specifications for pavement materials and pavement construction. Currently, he is involved in the rehabilitation of concrete pavements and his current consulting interest is implementing unbonded concrete overlay technology into Australia.

John has more than 27 years of experience. He is a Fellow of The Institution of Engineers Australia and was the President of the Australian Society for Concrete Pavements, 2012 to 2015. John has extensive experience in pavements across the private and public sectors for major infrastructure projects under Direct Design, Design and Construction, and Alliance forms of contract; and has been involved in major transport infrastructure projects for over 18 years.

Prior to establishing his own consulting practice, John was Technical Director for Aurecon, and previously Associate Director for AECOM where had a global pavement engineering role. Before that, John worked for Roads and Maritime Services (NSW State Road Authority) as Project Manager and Principal Advisor in asphalt pavement design and construction. John has international exposure in pavements and has participated as a conference speaker in asphalt pavement design, maintenance and construction

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