Hugo Gonzalez
Hugo Gonzales is a Technical Manager–4pisos-Uruguay (Aug 2020-present), and Consultor Internacional-Pavimentos y Pisos de concreto/hormigón Consultor independiente Pavimentos y pisos de concreto (International Consultant-Pavements and Concrete / Concrete Floors Independent Consultant Concrete Pavements and Floors); Consultant-Montevideo Uruguay / Guatemala, Guatemala / LATAM (Sep 2019-present); and Professor titular Pavimentos at the Universidad Rafael Landívar-Guatemala (Jan 2015-present). Previously, he served as Gerente I+D infraestructura y pavimentos–Progreso-Guatemala (Infrastructure and Pavement R&D Manager–Progreso, Guatemala)(Jan 2013-Aug 2019); Ingeniero Calculista-MR Ingeniería-Uruguay (Calculation Engineer at MR Engineering-Uruguay) (2012); Ingeniería at Proseco, S.A.-Uruguay (2010-2011); and Ingeniero Residente de Proyecto-Sigma Constructores (Resident Project Engineer-Sigma Constructores)(2006-2010/3.5 years).
Hugo holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree in Civil Engineering degree from Universidad Rafael Landívar and Master Internacional en aplicaciones del cemento y concreto para el diseño de infraestructura vial, Master Structuralia España-Universidad Isabel I (Masters of Science (MS) Degree in International Cement and Concrete Applications for the Design of Road Infrastructure, Master Structuralia Spain-Universidad Isabel I); Master Internacional en Ingenieria Estructural (pensum cerrado)-Universidad de la República (Pensum cerrado Master)(Masters of Science (MS) Degree in Structural Engineering (closed pensum)-University of the Republic (Closed Master pensum)); and holds an ACI Concrete Flatwork Technician certification in Concrete Flatwork.
Hugo is a Civil Engineer whose concentration is:
• design and construction
• engineering solutions for concrete structures in Sao Paulo Brazil
• RKS Engineering
• MRV Design
• construction, maintenance, evaluation and repair of pavements using cement, concrete, lime and aggregates
• specializes in technical advice, research and training in pavements and concrete floors
• design, construction and maintenance of pavements, industrial floors, and solutions for infrastructure using cement and concrete