Erwin Kohler


Erwin Kohler is the General Director at 3ipe, a company devoted to road and airport pavement engineering in Central and South America. 3ipe delivers pavement consulting services and operates a division in charge of sales, service and calibration of pavement testing equipment. He also serves at TCPavements promoting the use of concrete pavements with optimized geometry.  He obtained his Civil Engineering and MSc degrees from the Catholic University in Chile, and in 2005 his PhD from the University of Illinois. He is a long-time member of ISCP. His areas of expertise include pavement testing such as deflection, profile, friction, tire-pavement noise, and GPR, as well as pavement structural design and pavement management systems.  He has carried out many highways and airfields projects in several countries. He is the president of the Pavement Committee at the Chilean Association of Roads and Transport, is a member of TRB committees AFH50 (Concrete Pavement Construction) and AHD25 (Sealants and Fillers for Joints and Cracks), and regularly presents at conferences and seminars. He has published more than 50 articles in the topics of pavement engineering. He travels often but is based in Santiago, Chile.

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