Dr. Stephen Forster
Honorary Member since 2010
Honorary Member since 2010
Dr. Stephen Forster served as the U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Team Leader for Concrete Pavement Research and Development and Technical Director for Pavements Research and Development before retiring to consultant work in 2004. His primary research interests have included the performance and evaluation of PCC pavements and materials under traffic and environmental conditions and he served as FHWA’s resident expert on the performance, distress and durability of concrete materials and concrete pavements. His contributions to the profession include the development of an image analysis system for quantifying aggregate and pavement surface texture, leadership in the development of a standard test method for measuring PCC thermal coefficient of expansion, and development (in cooperation with industry and other researchers) of the HIPERPAV computer program, which continues to evolve and be utilized for pavement construction to determine timing of joint sawing and prevention of uncontrolled slab cracking. He has spent his career working to streamline concrete pavement construction processes and to increase pavement life through the use of better materials and construction techniques.
Dr. Stephen Forster was inducted into the ranks of ISCP Honorary Membership on Janurary 9, 2010. ISCP is proud to have Dr. Forster an Honorary Member!