Dr. Shiraz D. Tayabji


Honorary Member since 2007

Dr. Shiraz Tayabji is the current Past President of ISCP and has been a principal investigator on many prominent research and technology transfer projects, including (most recently) the FHWA Concrete Pavement Technology Program (CPTP) Technology Transfer and Marketing Support project, the Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Data Analysis Program Technical Support project, the FAA’s Revision of the FAA P-501 Specification for Airport PCC Pavement Construction project and others. His work has encompassed a broad range of concrete pavement-related areas, including various aspects of pavement design, construction, materials testing, field evaluation and rehabilitation. He is recognized around the world as one of the foremost experts on concrete pavement technology.

In recognition of his accomplishments and contributions to the concrete paving profession, Dr. Tayabji was inducted into the ranks of ISCP Honorary Membership on September 18, 2006. ISCP is proud to have Dr. Shiraz Tayabji as an Honorary Member!

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