Dr.-Ing. Josef Eisenmann
Honorary Member since 2001
Josef Eisenmann was born in München (Munich), Germany in 1928. After studying civil engineering at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), he worked at German Railways and as a research assistant for 12 years. In 1969, he became a Professor at TUM and was also appointed Director of the University Research Laboratory for Permanent Ways.
Dr.-Ing. Eisenmann taught classes and performed research in the fields of concrete and asphalt pavement for highways, airfields and railways. He has made many contributions to the theoretical development of concrete pavement analysis, including the creation of theories for calculating concrete pavement warping stresses and a method for calculating k-factor (foundation stiffness) using the results of 30-cm diameter plate load tests. He also developed procedures for determining bending stresses in multi-layered rigid pavement systems (e.g., slab over cement-treated base) using either Westergaard’s theories or Pickett and Ray’s influence charts.
In addition to his theoretical work, Dr.-Ing. Eisenmann has made many practical contributions to the profession, particularly in the area of concrete railway applications. He has done extensive research in the field of ballasted railway track, including the use of prestressed concrete rail ties. He is the inventor of the “Rheda” slab track, a continuous reinforced concrete slab on a cement-treated base that features inserted concrete ties with a highly elastic rail fastening system and is used for new high-speed German railways between Hannover and Berlin, Köln-Rhein and Main, and Nürnberg and München, where train speeds reach 300 km/h (185 mph). A special new track featuring heavyweight, elastic-supported concrete slabs was developed to prevent vibrations and structure-borne sound in buildings located near railways and metros. More than 100 km (62 miles) are under traffic.
Dr.-Ing. Eisenmann is the author or co-author of more than 100 scientific and technical papers, and recently co-authored (with Professor Günther Leykauf) a book entitled “Betonfahrbahnen” (“Concrete Tracks”), which is available from Ernst & Sohn Publishing in Berlin. In addition, he is the chairman of the Committee for Design and Construction of Concrete Paving in the German Research Society for Roads and Traffic (Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen), and he has actively participated in the Society for more than 30 years.
He has been decorated by the German Government (Bundesverdienstkreuz first Klasse) and the State of Bavaria (Bayerischer Verdienstorden and Leo von Klenze Medaille) for his contributions to concrete pavement and railway technology. Dr.-Ing. Eisenmann was inducted into the International Society for Concrete Pavements as an Honorary Member in September, 2001 and was also recently awarded the U.K. Institution of Civil Engineers Webb Prize.
Dr.-Ing. Josef Eisenmann retired from TUM in 1997, but is still active and delivers lectures worldwide concerning the areas of concrete pavement research and applications to which he has dedicated his professional life. ISCP is proud to have him as an honorary member!