Carlos Jofré
Honorary Member Since 2021 (posthumous)
Carlos Jofré was Technical Director-IECA (Spanish Institute of Cement) for 25 years and was an independent consultant from 2012 until his death in December 2020. He was a renowned expert in all applications of cement and concrete in road infrastructure and his expertise was not only valuable to Spain but to the worldwide community of concrete pavements. He was the author of numerous technical publications and articles, in Spanish and English, and was during many years active in the World Road Association (PIARC).
Carlos was a highly valued member of the European Concrete Paving Association (EUPAVE). He was very active in EUPAVE‘s “Best Practices WG”; shared his knowledge and experience during the “Best Practices Workshops”; and was also the main author of two EUPAVE publications: “Achieving and maintaining the evenness of concrete pavements” and “Roller compacted concrete: making concrete pavements available to the whole pavement building industry”.
He was also a permanent member of the International Technical Programme Committee (ITPC) of the International Symposium on Concrete Pavements, and chaired this committee for the Symposia in Madrid (1990) and Seville (2010). He was active and participating in the ITPC of the next Symposium (2022) to be held in Krakow. Carlos has received a special place in the history of EUPAVE and of the International Symposium on Concrete Roads.
But before everything else, Carlos was a gracious and kind person, positive, honest, always willing to help. He will be lovingly remembered by so many people who have been honored to know him.