DID YOU KNOW? You Can Follow ISCP on Instagram • Twitter • Linked In • Facebook?

Follow ISCP and contribute photos and tweets about concrete pavements on all of the ISCP social media! Instagram: https://instagram.com/concretepavementsociety/ Twitter: @ConcPaveSociety: https://twitter.com/ConcPaveSociety Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=3760764&trk=anet_ug_hm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/concretepavements To follow and contribute, […]

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First Concrete Mile in New Jersey, USA, Receives Makeover

The concrete that forms a stretch of road, now part of Route 57 in Warren County, New Jersey (N.J.), has lasted over 100 years. Known as “The Concrete Mile” built in 1912—the

First Concrete Mile in New Jersey, USA, Receives Makeover Read More »

Nigeria, West Africa: Rising Need for Cement Use in Road Construction

In an August 2015 AllAfrica Online Magazine article, “Nigeria: Rising Need for Cement Use in Road Construction” Crusoe Osagie discusses the need to extend the use of cement beyond building

Nigeria, West Africa: Rising Need for Cement Use in Road Construction Read More »

Now Available! Spanish ICH Concrete Overlay Manual

The Cement and Concrete Institute (ICH)—in cooperation with ISCP and the CP Tech Center—has recently published a Spanish version of the center’s popular Guide to Concrete Overlays Sustainable Solutions for

Now Available! Spanish ICH Concrete Overlay Manual Read More »

CRSI Seeks Long-Life CRCP Project Info, Photos

The Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) is asking ACPA members and Chapter/State personnel to supply project information and photos for use in project profiles on continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP). Working with

CRSI Seeks Long-Life CRCP Project Info, Photos Read More »

Tech Transfer Portal Offers CRCP Awareness, Education, Sharing, & more …

The Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) is pursuing a comprehensive resource development and technology transfer initiative aimed at building awareness of continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCPs). This program represents more

Tech Transfer Portal Offers CRCP Awareness, Education, Sharing, & more … Read More »

ACI Publication: “Guide for Construction of Concrete Pavements”

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) released a publication titled “Guide for Construction of Concrete Pavements”. The primary focus of this 62-page guide is pavement construction. Modern slipform paving techniques and

ACI Publication: “Guide for Construction of Concrete Pavements” Read More »

Indian Roads Congress New/Revised Publications & New Arrivals

1: The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) has produced 13 New/Revised Publications, released by the Honorable Mr. Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister of Road Transport, Highways & Shipping during the “206th Mid Term Council Meeting”

Indian Roads Congress New/Revised Publications & New Arrivals Read More »

Website Offers Abundance of Concrete Pavement Resources: Portal, News, Articles, Videos, Library, and more …

The Concrete Pavement Website:“ViasConcretas Pavimentação Sustentabilidade” (Concrete Paving: Sustainable Roads) is a Concrete Routes Portal—a creation of the Brazilian Portland Cement Association (ABCP), through its Infrastructure area. Founded and maintained by the Brazilian cement

Website Offers Abundance of Concrete Pavement Resources: Portal, News, Articles, Videos, Library, and more … Read More »

ASCP 3-Hour Forum “Concrete Pavements for Airfields” to be Held Wed, Sept 9

The Australian Society for Concrete Pavements will hold a 3-hour Forum titled “Concrete Pavements for Airfields” on Wednesday, September 9, 2015 from 16:00 to 19:00 h (4.00 pm to 7.00 pm), in the

ASCP 3-Hour Forum “Concrete Pavements for Airfields” to be Held Wed, Sept 9 Read More »

‘Concrete Garb’ (Podcast) “Pervious Concrete, With a Fistful of Steel!”

Jereme Montgomerey, Executive Director-Nebraska Concrete & Aggregates Association (NC&AA), has produced a “Concrete Garb” (Webinar) titled “Pervious Concrete, With a Fistful of Steel!” and subtitled “Density is our Destiny”. The presentation

‘Concrete Garb’ (Podcast) “Pervious Concrete, With a Fistful of Steel!” Read More »

The Rebound of the Concrete Pavement Industry in Chile

Pavimentos y Pisos De Hormigon, Instituto Del Cemento Y Del Hormigon De Chile (The Institute of Cement and Concrete Chile) (ICH), released an article titled “The Rebound of the Concrete Pavement

The Rebound of the Concrete Pavement Industry in Chile Read More »

Technical Report: “Cost-Effective Base Type and Thickness for Long-Life Concrete Pavements”

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Minnesota State University, Mankato—Department of Civil & Mechanical Engineering, along with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Research

Technical Report: “Cost-Effective Base Type and Thickness for Long-Life Concrete Pavements” Read More »

Minnesota, USA: Unbonded Overlay Construction Featuring Fabric Interlayer

The Concrete Paving Association of Minnesota (CPAM) reported that Olmsted County, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, constructed an unbounded concrete overlay construction featuring fabric interlayer as a replacement for a hot mix asphalt interlayer. The unbounded

Minnesota, USA: Unbonded Overlay Construction Featuring Fabric Interlayer Read More »

ISCP Accepting Officer Nominations for Fall 2015 Elections

Elections for ISCP President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer will be held in Fall of 2015 and the Nominating Committee Chair is accepting nominations for these positions through September 30, 2015. Officer Candidate

ISCP Accepting Officer Nominations for Fall 2015 Elections Read More »

August 19th is National Aviation Day! “Spirit of St. Louis Airport Concrete Overlay”—CP Road MAP August Brief & E-News

Moving Advancements into Practice (MAP) Briefs describe promising research and technologies that can be used now to enhance concrete paving practices. The CP Road Map E-News is the newsletter of

August 19th is National Aviation Day! “Spirit of St. Louis Airport Concrete Overlay”—CP Road MAP August Brief & E-News Read More »

Now Available: Agenda with Links to Presentations & Videos from the June 25th Illinois Workshop

The course agenda with links to the presentations and videos is now available from the “Concrete Pavement Innovation & Technology Transfer Workshop” held June 25th at the IDOT District 1 office in

Now Available: Agenda with Links to Presentations & Videos from the June 25th Illinois Workshop Read More »

Drone Video Illustrates Beautiful, Safe, Concrete Roundabouts in Wisconsin, USA

The new Wisconsin 441 Tri-County Project (WIS 441) project features the latest in design and technology. The WIS 441 is needed to address safety concerns and traffic demands on one of

Drone Video Illustrates Beautiful, Safe, Concrete Roundabouts in Wisconsin, USA Read More »

FHWA Tech Brief: “Materials-Related Distress: Hardened Cement Paste . . . Best Practices for JCP”

The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has released a Tech Brief titled “Materials-Related Distress: Hardened Cement Paste – Best Practices for Concrete Pavements”. Concrete is a cemented-aggregate mixture where aggregates

FHWA Tech Brief: “Materials-Related Distress: Hardened Cement Paste . . . Best Practices for JCP” Read More »

ASCP “2015 Concrete Pavements Conference” an Outstanding Success!

The Australian Society for Concrete Pavements (ASCP) held its 3rd biennial Concrete Pavements Conference July 20-12, 2015 at the Breakfree Aanuka Beach Resort in Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia. According to ASCP

ASCP “2015 Concrete Pavements Conference” an Outstanding Success! Read More »

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