2020 SCHEDULE (Tentative) (Times EDT) MONDAY, JULY 27: 10:00 AM: Introduction to Concrete 11:00 AM: Models for Teaching Structural Concrete 1:00 PM: Resources for teaching (in the virtual classroom) 2:00 PM: Active learning in the virtual classroom (pre-work assigned for this session) TUESDAY, JULY 28: 10:00 AM: Concrete Repair 11:00 AM: Pavements: What […]
The South Africa Road Federation (SARF): Capacity Development, Training Continues with Virtual Meetings: August 6; 11-13; 18-20; & 26-27 ISCP ARTICLE: https://www.concretepavements.org/2020/07/31/the-south-africa-road-federation-sarf-capacity-development-training-continues-with-august-virtual-meetings/ LIST of COURSES & ALL information for SARF online training website: https://sarf.org.za/sarf-courses/ SARF website: https://sarf.org.za
The South Africa Road Federation (SARF): Capacity Development, Training Continues with Virtual Meetings: August 6; 11-13; 18-20; & 26-27 ISCP ARTICLE: https://www.concretepavements.org/2020/07/31/the-south-africa-road-federation-sarf-capacity-development-training-continues-with-august-virtual-meetings/ LIST of COURSES & ALL information for SARF online training website: https://sarf.org.za/sarf-courses/ SARF website: https://sarf.org.za
The Australian Society for Concrete Pavements (ASCP) will hold a FREE Online 3-Topic Concrete Pavements FORUM: "Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Pavements USA—Design, Materials, Construction, Projects" "The Cost-Effectiveness of Concrete Pavements for Low Traffic Roads" "Existing Neoprene Joints, New Joint Seal Trial, Findings and Lessons Learned" "Transport for NSW Update” Monday, August 17 (LA & NY-USA) Simultaneously […]
The Australian Society for Concrete Pavements (ASCP) will hold a FREE Online 3-Topic Concrete Pavements FORUM: "Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Pavements USA—Design, Materials, Construction, Projects" "The Cost-Effectiveness of Concrete Pavements for Low Traffic Roads" "Existing Neoprene Joints, New Joint Seal Trial, Findings and Lessons Learned" "Transport for NSW Update” Monday, August 17 (LA & NY-USA) Simultaneously […]
The South Africa Road Federation (SARF): Capacity Development, Training Continues with Virtual Meetings: August 6; 11-13; 18-20; & 26-27 ISCP ARTICLE: https://www.concretepavements.org/2020/07/31/the-south-africa-road-federation-sarf-capacity-development-training-continues-with-august-virtual-meetings/ LIST of COURSES & ALL information for SARF online training website: https://sarf.org.za/sarf-courses/ SARF website: https://sarf.org.za
The Australian Society for Concrete Pavements (ASCP) will hold a FREE Online 3-Topic Concrete Pavements FORUM: "Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Pavements USA—Design, Materials, Construction, Projects" "The Cost-Effectiveness of Concrete Pavements for Low Traffic Roads" "Existing Neoprene Joints, New Joint Seal Trial, Findings and Lessons Learned" "Transport for NSW Update” Monday, August 17 (LA & NY-USA) Simultaneously […]
The Australian Society for Concrete Pavements (ASCP) will hold a FREE Online 3-Topic Concrete Pavements FORUM: "Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Pavements USA—Design, Materials, Construction, Projects" "The Cost-Effectiveness of Concrete Pavements for Low Traffic Roads" "Existing Neoprene Joints, New Joint Seal Trial, Findings and Lessons Learned" "Transport for NSW Update” Monday, August 17 (LA & NY-USA) Simultaneously […]
Number 2 of 3 webinars in the Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech) series. They are ideal for DOT engineers, city/county planners, and safety managers. All programs are at 12:00 Noon (Central). Tuesday | August 18 | 12:00 Noon (Central) “Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Layout and Construction” Tuesday | September 22 | 12:00 Noon (Central) […]
The South Africa Road Federation (SARF): Capacity Development, Training Continues with Virtual Meetings: August 6; 11-13; 18-20; & 26-27 ISCP ARTICLE: https://www.concretepavements.org/2020/07/31/the-south-africa-road-federation-sarf-capacity-development-training-continues-with-august-virtual-meetings/ LIST of COURSES & ALL information for SARF online training website: https://sarf.org.za/sarf-courses/ SARF website: https://sarf.org.za
• September 1—Alkali-Silica Reactivity and Light-Weight Cellular Concrete• • September 2—PEM Tests State Experiences and Dowel/Tie Bars • September 3—National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) and Project Updates For the complete AGENDA, please go to: http://www.acpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/NC2-Agenda-Fall20.pdf To view System Requirements, please go to: www.support.goto.com/webinar/help/system-requirements-for-attendees-g2w010003?c_prod=g2w&c_name=iph
ISCP ARTICLE: www.concretepavements.org/2020/08/26/sarf-accredited-training-courses-continue-with-virtual-meetings-sept-2020-1st-iscp-long-time-director-b-perrie-presenting-3rd-15th-17th-28th/ Additional Courses in Events and ISCP article: September 15th-17th; & 28th