
REPORT & 2 VIDEOS: “Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Pavements”: NRRA Rigid Pavement Team Long-Term Research

Tom Burnham, Sr. Research Engineer and ISCP Board Director, the MnDOT–Office of Materials and Road Research, and the NRRA Rigid Pavement Team composed the research overview and goals—Long-Term Research Write-Up—titled “Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Pavement”. The […]

REPORT & 2 VIDEOS: “Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Pavements”: NRRA Rigid Pavement Team Long-Term Research Read More »

VIDEO: “MnROAD Construction Summer 2017—Concrete with Extra Fiber”, Featuring Tom Burnham, ISCP Board Director

VIDEO: Tom Burnham, Sr. Road Research Engineer–MnDOT and ISCP Board Director, summarizes the fiber-reinforced cells, titled: “MnROAD Construction Summer 2017—Concrete with Extra Fiber” Tom Burnham, the MnDOT–Office of Materials and Road Research, and the NRRA Rigid Pavement

VIDEO: “MnROAD Construction Summer 2017—Concrete with Extra Fiber”, Featuring Tom Burnham, ISCP Board Director Read More »

Scientists Research as to Why Roman Concrete Lasts Millennia, While Modern-Day Concrete Lasts a Half Century

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)’s “Science Online Magazine” recently reported on modern-day scientists working on recreating a modern version of Roman cement that lasted over 1000

Scientists Research as to Why Roman Concrete Lasts Millennia, While Modern-Day Concrete Lasts a Half Century Read More »

FHWA RESOURCES & PROGRAM: Concrete Technology Team & Final Development

The U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) concrete technology team works on final development and deployment of new equipment, materials, tools, and techniques with the promotion of Advanced Structural Design and

FHWA RESOURCES & PROGRAM: Concrete Technology Team & Final Development Read More »

MnROAD Breaks New Ground Along Test Tracks

A Minnesota, USA transportation research blog titled “CROSSROADS” reported that in June, MnROAD—the only cold-weather accelerated pavement testing facility of its kind in North America—will begin construction on its third

MnROAD Breaks New Ground Along Test Tracks Read More »

Innovative Pavement Engineering & Life-Cycle Advisory for High-Priority Winnipeg, Canada Transitway

The Transtec Group, Austin-based pavement engineering firm, Texas, USA, provided pavement design and life- cycle advisement to Plenary Roads-Winnipeg—the concessionaire for the Southwest Rapid Transitway (Stage 2) project in Winnipeg,

Innovative Pavement Engineering & Life-Cycle Advisory for High-Priority Winnipeg, Canada Transitway Read More »

1st Full-Scale Heated Pavement Slabs Installed at American International Airport

Halil Ceylan, Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Professor–Iowa State University’s Program for Sustainable Pavement Engineering and Research in Ames, Iowa, USA, held his smartphone, opened an app, and called up the remote controls for the

1st Full-Scale Heated Pavement Slabs Installed at American International Airport Read More »

Performance Underpins AASHTO Provisional Standard for PEM

An Innovative Program for Pavement Reliability  Iowa State University-hosted National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) and research partners have secured the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

Performance Underpins AASHTO Provisional Standard for PEM Read More »

Cement Soaks up Greenhouse Gases

According to a new study, cement is thought to produce 5% of all global greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and factories. But this building block of modern civilization may eventually

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Canada: The Transtec Group Provides Expert Lifecycle Advisement for Extensive Southwest Calgary Ring Road Project

Photo: A computer representation of the planned Southwest portion of the Calgary Ring Road project. Austin, Texas-based pavement engineering firm The Transtec Group delivered an expert review and lifecycle recommendations for

Canada: The Transtec Group Provides Expert Lifecycle Advisement for Extensive Southwest Calgary Ring Road Project Read More »

New Website! “The RCC Pavement Council”

“Our mission is to sustainably grow the market size for Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement Construction.” The RCC Pavement Council has a brand new WEBSITE! Founded in 2014, The RCC Pavement Council is

New Website! “The RCC Pavement Council” Read More »

New Light-Emitting Cement Could Light Highways Without Electricity

Science Daily Online News,, Equipment World’s Better Roads Online News, and Construction Drive Online News via Investigación y Desarrollo Online News, all recently reported on a Mexican project by José Carlos

New Light-Emitting Cement Could Light Highways Without Electricity Read More »

“Historic Concrete Pavement Explorer” Archival Website

The American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) announced that its new Historic Concrete Pavement Explorer is now online. Currently, the website includes 13 projects, but is still a work in progress. Andy Gieraltowski,

“Historic Concrete Pavement Explorer” Archival Website Read More »

Conductive, De-icing Concrete Improves Safety & Efficiency for Roadways, Airports & Homes

On a frigid afternoon in late December, 2015, a 200-square-foot slab of seemingly ordinary concrete sits just outside the Peter Kiewit Institute as snowflakes begin parachuting toward Omaha, Nebraska, USA. The snow

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Multi-National Project: “ECLIPS” Incorporates PCMs to Enhance Concrete Performance

The European Concrete Paving Association (EUPAVE) recently reported on a a multi-national project named “Enhancing Concrete Life in Infrastructure through Phase Change Systems”—ECLIPS. ECLIPS is carried out by Arizona State

Multi-National Project: “ECLIPS” Incorporates PCMs to Enhance Concrete Performance Read More »

New Soil Freezing Model May Help DOTs Lower Spring’s Thaw Damage to Roads

Each spring, as roads that have been frozen all winter begin to thaw from the surface downward, melting snow and ice saturate the ground. The roadbed, softened by trapped moisture

New Soil Freezing Model May Help DOTs Lower Spring’s Thaw Damage to Roads Read More »

Shovels Nor Plows Needed: Special Concrete Could Melt Mounds of Snow

Researchers have hit on a formula that electrifies pavement and could ease recovery from big storms. The National Geographic Magazine reported an article, by Christina Nunez (January 2016 issue) providing updates to

Shovels Nor Plows Needed: Special Concrete Could Melt Mounds of Snow Read More »

USA: Specification Allows Use of Concrete Product That Can Greatly Reduce Carbon Footprint

Caltrans (California Department of Transportation (DOT)),’s Division of Measurement Standards (DMS), and the ready mixed concrete industry have accomplished a specification for a product that will: Reduce greenhouse gases Reduce waste Save

USA: Specification Allows Use of Concrete Product That Can Greatly Reduce Carbon Footprint Read More »

Eurocement Researches Concrete Roads

Specialist from the Voronezh branch (Oblast, Russia, Eastern Europe) of the EUROCEMENT Group have made significant progress in the development of cement formulations with the characteristic required for the construction of

Eurocement Researches Concrete Roads Read More »

Solar Panels Far Exceed Expectations & Pave Way for Power-Producing Pavements

  A 3-year pilot project/experimental bike path with solar panels has generated more than 3,000 kilowatt-hours during its first six months of operation in Amsterdam, Netherlands—far exceeding engineers’ expectations. The

Solar Panels Far Exceed Expectations & Pave Way for Power-Producing Pavements Read More »

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