A letter from the President of ISCP on the 25th Anniversary of the Society

Dear ISCP Members and Colleagues,

It is with immense pride and gratitude that I address you on this momentous occasion—the 25th anniversary of the International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP). Over the past quarter of a century, our Society has grown from a visionary idea into a leading global community of experts dedicated to advancing the field of concrete pavements. This milestone is not just a testament to our enduring commitment to our field, but also a celebration of the achievements we have accomplished together.

Due to the work of countless members, ISCP conferences, workshops, and publications have provided invaluable platforms for knowledge exchange and collaboration. From our first endeavor in 1999 for the 7th International Conference on Concrete Pavements in Orlando, Florida to our upcoming 13th International Conference on Concrete Pavements in Minneapolis this August, the Society has remained steadfast in its mission to “facilitate the advancement of knowledge and technology related to concrete pavements”.  The Society plans to unveil our Open Journal System (OJS) this summer to continue this mission of technology transfer and provide access to concrete pavement knowledge from around the world.

The success of ISCP is a collective achievement, made possible by the dedication and passion of our members, volunteers, and collaborators. These contributions—whether through research, practice, or advocacy—have been instrumental in elevating the standards of our profession. As we reflect on our journey, we also honor the pioneers whose vision and leadership laid the foundation for our Society. In Minneapolis, I am proud to note we will be honoring two more honorary members of the Society, Dr. Rolf Breitenbücher (GERMANY) and Dr. Anna-Carin Brink (AUSTRALIA), for their contributions to our field.

As we look to the future, we are reminded of the ongoing challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The global landscape is rapidly evolving, and with it, the demands on our infrastructure. Climate change, sustainability, and technological advancements are reshaping our approach to concrete pavements and the transportation infrastructure around the globe. ISCP is committed to staying at the forefront of these changes, driving innovation, and promoting practices that ensure durability, resilience, and environmental stewardship.

Our 25th anniversary is not just a time to celebrate our past, but to also chart the course for the next 25 years and beyond. We must continue to embrace innovative ideas, foster young talent, and strengthen our global network. Together, we can build on our Society’s legacy and continue to make significant contributions to the betterment of our communities and the world.

In closing, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every member of ISCP, whether past or present. Your support and dedication are the cornerstone of the Society’s accomplishments. Let us celebrate this milestone with pride and look forward to a future filled with promise and possibility!

Jake Hiller 

International Society for Concrete Pavements

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