With the World of Concrete event marking its 50th anniversary and now in the rearview, the concrete industry is poised for an eventful 2024, writes Eva Milberg for Smart Brief. Here are five key trends and developments worth monitoring as the year unfolds:

Post-Tensioning Advancements: The International Code Council is set to release the 2024 International Residential Code, featuring significant updates regarding post-tensioned, slab-on-ground floors. The new standards, outlined in Section R506.2, emphasize adherence to the latest guidance from the Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI). This move aims to enhance the quality of materials and installation, ultimately improving structural durability and reducing life-cycle costs.
Transparency in Sustainability Efforts: The shift towards sustainability in the concrete and cement industries continues, with a focus on transparency and environmental product declarations (EPDs). Companies like Holcim are leading the charge by transitioning to more environmentally friendly cement production methods and providing customers with EPDs. The demand for low-carbon concrete is growing, with customers seeking materials that reduce embodied carbon without compromising strength and durability.
AI for Performance-Based Design: The industry is increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize concrete mixes and promote performance-based design. By leveraging AI technologies, producers can tailor mixes to specific project requirements while minimizing carbon emissions. This shift towards performance-based mixes could revolutionize construction practices, offering sustainable solutions tailored to project needs.
Market Shifts in Fly Ash and Slag: As coal-fired power plants retire, the market for fly ash—a key component in sustainable concrete mixes—is evolving. Companies are exploring beneficiation technologies to process stored fly ash, ensuring its continued use in concrete production. Additionally, ground-granulated blast furnace slag is gaining traction due to its performance and sustainability benefits, signaling potential growth in this sector.
Competition in Paving Materials: The American Concrete Paving Association advocates for increased competition between paving materials, highlighting the benefits of integrating concrete into road construction projects. Research indicates that greater competition leads to reduced unit costs for both concrete and asphalt paving materials. State departments of transportation (DOTs) are adopting various strategies to promote competition, ranging from setting specific targets to utilizing traffic classifications for material choices.
As the concrete industry navigates these developments, stakeholders should remain vigilant and adaptable, embracing innovation and sustainability to shape the future of construction and infrastructure. Stay tuned for further updates as these trends continue to unfold throughout 2024.
Read more here: https://www.smartbrief.com/original/concrete-trends-2024