STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Each month, or every other month, a student will provide a 1-page illustrated abstract of the research they are currently conducting. This is a wonderful opportunity for the student, for our International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP) Members, and for the transferring and sharing technology/research through our concrete paving industry.
The ISCP “STUDENT RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT” for February 2024 is Chintada Chandrasekhar, a Ph.D student at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (Roorkee, India).

Chintada Chandrasekhar is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, with a specialization in Pavement Materials. He holds a master’s degree in Transportation Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India and a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. With a strong background in pavement engineering from his master’s studies, he has acquired valuable expertise in working with diverse pavement materials. Chandrasekhar’s research primarily focuses on material characterization and the application of Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) in pavement design. He possesses extensive knowledge in utilizing manufactured sand within ECC, employing various testing methodologies, including tensile, fracture, and microstructural analysis. Moreover, Chandrasekhar has acquired practical experience through field visits and several research internships during his bachelor’s and master’s studies.
Feasibility of Manufactured Sand in Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) for Pavement Applications
Concrete pavements are commonly considered suitable for heavily trafficked roads due to their ability to withstand heavy loads and relatively low maintenance requirements. However, despite these advantages, they are prone to brittle failure and cracking over time as a result of repeated loading.
Recently, Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECCs), a novel category of high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites (HPFRCC), have emerged as a potential solution for eliminating joints and prolonging the service life of pavements due to their higher tensile strain capacity, usually exceeding 3%. These composites typically consist of cement, supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), sand, and a small proportion (about 2% by volume) of randomly dispersed short-length (6–12 mm) polymer fibers. With the rising costs of quartz sand, the scarcity of river sand, and the significant cement content, researchers are increasingly focusing on exploring new and cost-effective raw materials for ECC production. Few studies have extensively studied the use of manufactured sand (M-sand) in cement-based materials and have demonstrated that mixtures containing M-sand exhibit improved mechanical properties compared to those using natural sand. However, the suitability of M-sand in ECC mixtures needs to be investigated as the material typically possesses an angular shape and rough texture, factors that could significantly impact the properties of the aggregate-matrix interface and the pseudo-strain-hardening (PSH) behavior of the ECC.
Using M-sand in ECC marginally increased the ultimate tensile strength. On the other hand, the tensile strain capacity has been reduced in both M-sand ECC mixtures compared to river sand ECC. This could be due to the relatively robust bond between the matrix-aggregate interface of M-sand, given that the roughness of the aggregate surface dramatically influences the mechanical performance of the mixtures. In addition, a slight improvement in the first cracking strength was also observed in the M-sand ECC compared to river sand mixtures. The improvement can be attributed to the characteristics of the cementitious matrix, precisely the matrix toughness, and the initial flaw size. These factors are crucial in determining the first cracking strength, and a close correlation exists between them. In other words, an increase in matrix toughness corresponds to a lower susceptibility of the matrix to cracking.

ISCP would like to feature a “STUDENT RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT” each month, or every other month. If you would like to nominate a student, or if you are a student and would like to nominate yourself or a colleague, please send ISCP an email to:
DECEMBER 2021—Inaugural: Katelyn Kosar, Phd Student-Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh (Pitt):
JANUARY 2022: Aniruddha Baral, Ph.D. Candidate-Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign:
FEBRUARY 2022: Jordan Ouellet, Tech, BEng, MASc, PhD Candidate, Teaching and Research Assistant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
MARCH 2022: Sampath Kumar Pasupunuri, Ph.D. candidate, Pavement Engineering-School of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham, UK:
APRIL 2022: Anupam B R, Pursuing his doctorate-Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, India:
MAY 2022: Andréia Posser Cargnin, Ph.D. Candidate, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil):
JUNE 2022: Charles Donnelly, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA):
JULY 2022: Amir Malakooti, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University (Ames, Iowa, USA):
AUGUST 2022: Haoran Li, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA):
SEPTEMBER 2022: Sumit Nandi, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (Roorkee, India):
OCTOBER 2022: Eric Ribeiro da Silva, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil):
NOVEMBER 2022: Zachary Brody, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA):
DECEMBER 2022: Jesús Castro Pérez, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana, USA):
JANUARY 2023: Dan King, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University (Ames, USA):
FEBRUARY 2023: Kathryn Kennebeck, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA):
MARCH 2023: Sinan Kefeli, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University (Ames, USA):
APRIL 2023: Niwesh Koirala, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Texas Tech University (Lubbock, USA):
MAY 2023: Christian A. Sabillon, Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Texas at Austin (Austin, Texas, USA):
JUNE 2023: Saima Yaqoob, Ph.D. Candidate, KTH (the Royal Institutes of Technology) (Stockholm, Sweden):
JULY 2023: Ricardo Hungria, Ph.D. Candidate, Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, USA):
AUGUST 2023: Megan Darnell, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA):
SEPTEMBER 2023: Jitendra Patel, Ph.D. Candidate, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (Italy):
OCTOBER 2023: Omar K. Omar, Ph.D. Candidate, Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, USA):
NOVEMBER 2023: Mason Smetana, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA):
DECEMBER 2023: Avinash Jha, M.Tech Student, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (India):
JANUARY 2024: Matthew Sheffield, Ph.D candidate, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Charlotte, USA):