Sponsorship Opportunities are now available for the 13th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (13th ICCP) to be held August 25-29, 2024 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA:

Sponsorship at the 13th ICCP can help your business or organization connect with 400+ high-level pavement professionals through high visibility opportunities before, during, and even after the conference! Sponsorship opportunities for the 13th ICCP are categorized at the Bronze, Platinum, Gold, and Silver levels with associated costs and benefits for each level.

In addition, the 13th ICCP will have an active exhibit hall available for companies and organizations hoping to draw an audience to their booth in the DEPOT PAVILION at the Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel, The Depot. The 13th ICCP will hold an Exhibitor Reception on Monday night as well as all breaks, breakfasts and lunches (food and beverage) will be held in the DEPOT PAVILION to provide a great networking and sales opportunities!
To download the 2-page PDF of SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES, please go to: https://13thiccp.concretepavements.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/13th-ICCP-sponsorship-brochure.pdf
To view the Sponsorship Opportunities, purchase Conference Sponsorship online, and for more information, please go directly to 13th ICCP Sponsorship Web Page at
For the 13th ICCP Web Page, please go to: https://13thiccp.concretepavements.org
For questions or more information on being a SPONSOR of the 13th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, please contact:
Leif Wathne | Sponsorship Chair for the 13th ICCP
Phone: +1.202.638.2272 | E-mail: conference.sponsorships@concretepavements.org