WEBINAR: Thu., Feb. 3, 1:00 pm (EST): “To Build a Sustainable Future … Look to … Ancient Past”

“To Build a Sustainable Future We Can Look to

the Ancient Past”—CSHub Concrete’s Greener Potential
February 3, 2022
1:00 pm (EST) (US & Canada)


Click to go to bio page on MIT website

Presented by: Admir Masic, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering-MIT

Concrete is the backbone of our society, used to build bridges, roads, hospitals, and shelters, among others. However, given its ubiquitous use, it is responsible for up to 1% of the U.S.’s CO2 emissions. For this reason, intensive research is on its way to rethink concrete’s future and composition in order to meet the environmental challenges of global warming.

Admir Masic will discuss some of the developments going on in his “Laboratory for Multiscale Characterization and Materials Design (Masic Lab @ MIT)” the potential of “green” concrete. These range from concrete as a carbon sink to Roman-inspired self-healing concrete, all based on progress in the nanoscale assessment of the heterogeneous chemistry of cement hydration and CO2 mineralization in concrete. These science-enabled pathways all aim at making this multifunctional material part of the solution for the sustainable development of our society at large.

The Masic Lab @ MIT investigates the nanochemomechanics of mineralization and biomineralization processes of materials ranging from construction materials to archeological and biological materials. With research projects that span from Roman concrete to modern Portland cement, from nacre to kidney stones, from ancient colors to Dead Sea scrolls, the goal of The Masic Lab is to translate the fundamental knowledge gained in the lab into real-world applications for a sustainable future.

Registration is required to attend this ZOOM event.
To REGISTER, please go to: https://mit.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMrcu2orD4qGt3QVYHH_KjsF0repMOX67GY

Important LINKS:
Admir Masic: https://mit.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9702f15d8426d29f5c62f2e8b&id=1856c1b563&e=8f5497873f
Webinar in Calendar of Events: http://calendar.mit.edu/event/greener_concrete#.Ye8xBi2cY_V
MIT WEBINAR Series: https://cshub.mit.edu/news/public-webinars
Masic Lab @ MIT: https://www.masicgroup.mit.edu
—Investigates the nanochemomechanics of mineralization and biomineralization processes of materials ranging from construction materials to archeological and biological materials. With research projects that span from Roman concrete to modern Portland cement, from nacre to kidney stones, from ancient colors to Dead Sea scrolls, the GOAL of The Masic Lab is to translate the fundamental knowledge gained in the lab into real-world applications for a sustainable future.

Andrew Logan, Communications Coordinator-MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub
E-mail: mailto:cshub@mit.edu

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