National Highways w/Univ. of Derby, England: 2-Yr BSc in “Concrete Pavements & Construction Maintenance”

As a part of the “Road Investment Strategy”, National Highways is spending £400m in the next 3 years to improve the quality of existing concrete roads across England.

However, 60% of the current specialist concrete workforce
is set to retire within 10 years …
leaving a
skills gap that presents a risk to the
successful delivery of these projects.

To fill the gap, the National Highways Concrete Roads Centre of Excellence worked in partnership with the with University of Derby in Derby, England to launch a 2-year Honors Bachelor of Science Course (BSc Honors) in “Concrete Pavements and Construction Maintenance”.

This is a move to “fill” the predicted skills gap
in successfully delivering repairs and renewals of concrete roads.
2-year part time course specifically focuses on
pavements and highways, and provides a pathway
for those already studying related subjects to specialize or convert.

Mike Ambrose, Technical Lead-National Highways’ Concrete Roads Centre of Excellence, said, “We’re delighted to be working with the University of Derby and the Centre for Mineral Products to design and deliver this course. The Centre specifically has a strong track record of delivering applied programs for industry so are a natural partner for National Highways. As the current specialist concrete workforce begin to see out their careers we’re excited to begin upskilling and working with the next generation of engineers. This employer-led program, which is open to both National Highways and the supply chain staff, will help those people get on the pathway to becoming the future industry leaders.”

Mark Osbaldeston, Head-Centre for Mineral Products-University of Derby, said, “We are delighted to be working in partnership with National Highways to offer this innovative new course. The concrete roads program is fundamental in ensuring the future success of our road networks, and this BSc Honours provision will help provide a continued supply of highly skilled individuals to the profession. Our team of academics have extensive experience within the mineral products sector and are very much looking forward to sharing their knowledge and practical expertise with the next generation of industry leaders.”

The course begins in January 2022, and is the first industry led course of its kind specializing in pavements and highways design and will be open for enrollment from December 2021. It’s aimed at a range of learners including those with:
• Foundation degrees
• Level 5 apprenticeships
• Pavement engineering Consultants and Suppliers who want to extend their knowledge and understanding of the subject areas so they can potentially specialize and pursue careers allied to National Highways, or other road and pavement infrastructure companies

COURSE: “BSC (HONS) CONCRETE PAVEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (TOP-UP)”—This exciting part-time degree is designed specifically for the concrete and construction industry to prepare its leaders and managers for the future.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This program will compliment program within both the Centre for Mineral Products and Civil Engineering while also providing you with an improved career path which enhances lifelong learning. The program seeks to create an open and diverse community of learners that offers inclusivity and equality to all, with particular emphasis on non-traditional learners. After completing the program, students/participants will have:

  • Knowledge of underlying concepts of pavement design and its principles associated with technical and operational technologies, including future trends and innovation
  • Sufficient technical knowledge to ‘challenge current thinking’
  • Critical understanding of pavement design processes to ensure best possible performance in terms of asset quality, safety, and environmental impact
  • Deep understanding of the use and interpretation of investigative techniques and data
  • Sufficient financial management knowledge to facilitate deeper understanding of asset whole life costing
  • Sufficient analytical skills to facilitate deeper understanding of pavement failure mechanisms
  • Improved personal and interpersonal skills to communicate with, and lead teams of employees or capital projects
  • Sufficient technical knowledge to understand and implement the design into construction phase
  • The ability to undertake higher learning, to develop existing skills and acquire new competencies, enabling graduates to assume significant increased responsibility as a pavement engineering professional.

It is recognized by the Highways industry, that currently there is no accredited route to Incorporated Engineer (IEng) status for specialist fields such as pavement engineering, more specifically concrete. Initiated by National Highways and supported by the Concrete Society this program will support you with opportunity in:

  • Providing a top up considered as Initial Professional Development (IPD) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD). In addition, accreditation is actively being sort from the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM) to further develop engineering professionals from a technical perspective
  • Providing a pathway for those following the C4MP accredited FD or apprenticeships in Asphalt and Pavements and flexibility to extend their education in a specialist field
  • Providing an option for progression onto the MSc Civil Engineering and Construction Management. The improved offer will also enhance the marketability of the MSc Civil Engineering and Construction Management whilst also supporting the growth of the Centre for Mineral Products.

Structure, certificates and assessment:
Over 2 years, students/participants will complete these Course description and subject modules:
Rigid pavement design materials and construction (20 credits)
Rigid pavement asset management (20 credits)
Civil engineering and construction management (20 credits)
Advanced infrastructure surveying and design (20 credits)
Independent Study and Personal Development (40 credits)

General Inquiries:
Members of the public should contact the National Highways customer contact center:
Phone: 0300 123 5000
Media Inquiries:
Journalists should contact the National Highways press office:
Phone: 0844 693 1448 | Please use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.
For more information about the course including how to enroll, please go to:
1 – University of Derby: “BSc Honours Concrete Pavements & Construction Management (Top-Up)“:
2 – GOV.UK: “National Highways launches specialist concrete qualification with the University of Derby” The BSc aims to close the predicted skill gap in repairing concrete roads:

Home Photo: National Highways website

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