FHWA Released 2019/2020 AID-PT Report

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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has released the 2019-20 AID-PT Annual Report, a 50-page document that provides an overview of:
AID-PT Program (Accelerated Implementation and Deployment of Pavement Technologies Program)—a provision first included in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP 21)—Initiative created in 2012 (ACPA-led)—Mechanism and funding for the purpose of documenting, demonstrating, and deploying innovative pavement technologies, including their applications, performance, and benefits
Chart showing deployment efforts and program goals
• Description of Technical Feedback Groups (TFGs)—provide communications vital to AID-PT/FHWA programs—some reporting aligned by concrete technologies, asphalt technologies, sustainable pavements, pavement preservation practices

Click to download AID-PT REPORT (PDF)

In the 2019/2020 Annual Report’s Introduction, Hari Kalla, FHWA Associate Administrator for Infrastructure Transportation said, professionals know the importance of being innovative. As funding and other resources become limited, demand for new services grows, and legacy infrastructure deteriorates, fresh approaches are needed more than ever. It is this pioneering spirit, combined with invaluable partnerships, that underlies the AID-PT Program of the FHWA. As we progress, we will continue helping the transportation community manage pavement assets effectively and improve the condition of the highway system.

Of interest to the concrete paving industry, the report includes technical feedback “hot topics” related to concrete pavements:
• Rehab strategies
• Rapid repair
• Performance engineered mixtures
• Composite pavement
• Construction inspection training
• Fly ash shortage
• Concrete pavement design issues
• 28-day strength requirements
• Underutilized technologies

FHWA Mobile Concrete Technology Center (MCTC)
Also included in the report are sections on:
• Quality assurance
• Performance engineered concrete mixtures (PEMs)
• Roundabouts (using JPC and CRC)
FHWA‘s Mobile Concrete Technology Center (MCTC)—continues to be an exceptional resource for agencies and contractors throughout the country
• Description(s) on how the FHWA is reviewing a 20-year-old pavement design policy

The AID-PT program plays a vital role in FHWA’s mission to improve mobility on the Nation’s highways—partnering with State and local highway agencies, industry, and academia to identify good practices—to deliver them to the pavement community through training courses, on-site demonstrations, equipment loans, and informative videos. The AID-PT initiatives highlighted in this annual report exemplify how an innovative spirit and strong partnerships between the public and private sectors can lead to success. During 2019-2020, the Program has accomplished the following, together with strong partnerships that have produced a spirit of collaboration and cooperation:

• Developed a stakeholder engagement plan and formalized process for informing pavement industry partners and collecting feedback
• Partnered with States to develop a first-of-its-kind life-cycle assessment (LCA) benchmarking tool “LCAPave” for building more sustainable pavements
• Created a team of stakeholders and developed an implementation plan for deploying “Targeted Overlay Pavement Solutions,” an Every Day Counts round six (EDC-6) innovation
• Held multiple stakeholder feedback events to help review the FHWA Pavement Design Policy
• Continued to conduct quality assurance stewardship reviews in partnership with State departments of transportation
• Partnered with States through a pooled fund study to establish improved standards that may be used by States for pavement condition data collection and management of data quality
• Taking new equipment, tests, and technology to agency doorsteps with mobile concrete and asphalt technology centers
• Developing a framework for performance engineered pavements that connects pavement design performance expectations to construction and final acceptance

More successes will be shared in the future as FHWA/AID-PT Program partnerships develop and deploy more innovations on the Nation’s roadways to keep America moving, together!

To see the ENTIRE 50-page REPORT, please click on image above, or go to: www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/pubs/hif21024.pdf
For the FHWA, please go to: www.fhwa.dot.gov
For the FHWA‘s Mobile Concrete Technology Center (MCTC), please go to: www.fhwa.dot.gov/Pavement/concrete/trailer/index.cfm

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