2020 VIRTUAL “P3 Airport Summit” Sep 23-25: Register NOW to Attend!

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Join Live!
Sep 23-25, 2020 | 12:00 PM EST – 4:00 EST

3 half-days
40+ Live Sessions of innovative project delivery discussions
Networking Breaks
30-minute-long Presentations
Q&A: 10 minutes of audience questions and answers
Slidedecks and research material included with registration
Digital Event Guide
Sessions are recorded and available on demand
Digital Presentations Available for Download
Whitepapers, Checklists, and Project Guides Included
Next Step Resources Provided
1 on 1 and Group Meeting Capabilities …

REGISTER to WATCH LIVE & ON DEMAND : https://s3.amazonaws.com/bizzabo.users.files/116443/217195/1934014/2020%20P3%20Airport%20Summit%20Vitual%20Reg%20Form.pdf

For questions about registration, please contact: Sarah Plombon:
E-mail: splombon@accessintel.com | Phone: 301-354-1520

The airport industry is facing unprecedented challenges in the form of the COVID-19 emergency and, more than ever before, has to work together to make it through the crisis, so this year’s event is dedicated to COVID response and recovery. One common issue is how owners are adjusting and preparing for “the new normal”, how long that will last, and how projects are able to move forward today.

The 2020 VIRTUAL P3 Airport Summit is a truly groundbreaking online event for the airport industry, and will deliver a fully virtual and national interactive conference, exhibition and networking experience. Public-private partnerships (P3s) have seen much recent success in delivering critical infrastructure across the country and airports are faced with unprecedented challenges in finding ways to fund and construct major expansion or maintain needed infrastructure, many are looking to alternative delivery models a path forward.
BROCHURE: https://s3.amazonaws.com/bizzabo.users.files/116443/217195/1662783/2020%20P3%20Airport%20Prospectus.pdf


Click to download brochure

PROGRAM will offer a unique meeting place for airports and industry professionals, and entail Concurrent Roundtables and Panels focusing on::
Project Owners
Project Developers
Speakers: Individuals who have helped shape policy and navigated airport partnerships from concept to completion:
—Development leaders
—Industry Partners 
AUDIENCE includes those who are seeking opportunities to develop their business, find new projects, explore new partnerships, and want to better understand the complex interactions to accelerate project delivery needs:
—USA Airports’ Senior Business and Facility Administrators
—Policy makers
—Design-build professionals
—Public representatives

AUDITORIUM—All sessions will be available for viewing through October 10th and will provide delegates access to:
• 4 concurrent tracks
• Live conference sessions
• Possibility to watch previous sessions on demand
• Access to over 50 project delivery and market discussions
LOBBY—is where attendees:
• Start
• Explore the different halls
• Connect with exhibitors
• Access the resource center for research material
• Network with the audience in video-enabled 1 on 1s
• Live Chatting Options: in Sessions and Lounge Areas 
• More!
• Questions? Help desk available during all hours
EXHIBITION/EXPO HALL—Branded Interactive Booths where conference delegates will meet our over 20 exhibitors join us. Learn more about:
• New project delivery approaches
• Best practices
• Services
NETWORKING HALL—It is important to connect! The video-enabled networking hall will allow attendees to interact with all delegates. Each day,
• Connect with presenters, attendees, and networking groups
• Set up private & group meetings
• Meet 900+ delegates during networking hours
• Collateral Information Sharing

For details, registration, and all information, please go to:
2020 P3 Summit website: www.p3airportsummit.com

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