36-Year Established County of River Cess, Liberia: First-Ever Pavement will be Concrete & Named After Honored Slain President

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Cestos (River Cess County, Liberia), popularly known as “the city of natural beauty”, was a scene of huge jubilation when a groundbreaking ceremony was held setting the pace for the construction of the first concrete road!

Mr. Steve Tequah, River Cess County Senatorial Aspirant; Sound Engineer; and Journalist, is leading the efforts for the construction of the road. Citizens are extremely excited for the project, owing to the fact that the county has not experienced asphalt or concrete pavement since its establishment in 1984. Earlier, he stated that it was time that the country “graduates from its current state of backwardness, and as such, only citizens can develop the area”.

River Cess is among few counties established by slain Liberian President Samuel Kanyon Doe.

Mr. Tequah had promised the people of River Cess that he would be the first private citizen to do concrete pavements in the county.

He proclaimed, “The Cestos road is among several roads to be paved by us beginning this year. We will pave the road that leads to the St. Francis Hospital in Cestos. The main entrance to Bodowhea Town in Monweh is part of our plan as well. We will connect other major towns in River Cess.”

Speaking in Cestos City during the groundbreaking ceremony over the weekend of August 30th, Tequah told enthusiastic citizens that President George Weah is the chief launcher of the road, and that such road when completed would be named in honor of the Liberian leader. “The president of Liberia remains the chief launcher of this road project. Therefore, I say to honor you, that upon the completion of this road, it shall be named in honor of the president and shall be called “Gbehkugbeh Boulevard”. And so with mind of sincerity, with mind of integrity, we therefore break ground for Cestos main road.

According to him, the 3 kilometers of road to be constructed runs from the airfield to the former compound of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL).

Daniel Dokodoe, Acting County Superintendent, representing the local authorities of River Cess, expressed the government’s support for the project and stated, “Please convey to ‘Gbehkugbeh that the people of River Cess County wholeheartedly welcome this project. We’ll support it. We’ll defend it.” 

Mr. Tequah took to the groundbreaking engineers hired for the implementation of the road project. The audience went into jubilation when engineer Cooper Lackey, Head of the Project and Materials Engineer/Environmentalist, mentioned that skilled and unskilled laborers will be recruited for the project from River Cess as a way of providing economic empowerment for the locals.

“We’ve come to help you. This is why we will be taking almost all of the workers from here. This is another form of empowerment for the people here”.

The ceremony was graced by local government officials and ordinary citizens who now take ownership of the project
by making contribution during a mini rally
at the groundbreaking program.

Yarvoe, an elderly woman who contributed to the rally, had walked for more than 4 hours to attend the ceremony. She had never seen a real paved road before. Mike Garvlehn, a youth leader, said he offered Steve “support in building this road” from himself, his family, and his entire generation.

The pavement of a 3-kilometer road is an expensive venture. Private individuals rarely take on such endeavor. Responding to concerns about the funding of the road, Mr. Tequah told the citizens that few of his good friends who believe in his leadership ability are providing support for the road.

For the “FrontPage Africa” Online News ARTICLE, please go to: https://frontpageafricaonline.com/county-news/first-concrete-pavement-in-river-cess-to-be-named-gbehkugbeh-boulevard/

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