A new NC² Moving Advancements into Practice (MAP) Brief on the “Development of an Improved Design Procedure for Jointed Unbonded Concrete Overlays on Concrete or Composite Pavements” is now available from the NC² Resource Library.
For the MAP BRIEF: “Development of an Improved Design Procedure for Jointed Unbonded Concrete Overlays on Concrete or Composite Pavements“, please click on image to right, or go to: www.intrans.iastate.edu/app/uploads/2020/06/MAPbriefSummer2020.pdf
Since beginning in May 2010 under the former CP Road Map, MAP Briefs have served as a concise quarterly channel of concrete pavement technology transfer, describing promising research and technologies that can be used now to enhance concrete paving practices. For the ISCP article titled “History of the CP Road Map”, please go to: https://www.concretepavements.org/2020/05/14/history-of-the-cp-road-map/
Featured FHWA Concrete Clips
This quarter, the featured Concrete Clips address:
Curing (external) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZyMPt2MMdE&feature=youtu.be
Internal Curing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6WREFmacaM&feature=youtu.be
Concrete Clips is a series of short technical videos developed by FHWA. Each quarter’s NC² E-News will feature 2 of their now 17 Concrete Clips available. For all Concrete Clips, please go to: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5_sm9g9d4T1ND5YlNt0OuL6g2T_NbGdR
Recent NC² States’ Q&A Listserv Activity
The NC² States’ Q&A Listserv allows member states of the TTCC Pooled Fund to poll other member states regarding specifications, materials, construction, research, or other concrete paving issues.
This quarter has been particularly busy for the NC² States’ Q&A Listserv—perhaps due to many people working from home due to COVID-19 restrictions—with 4 additional state-to-state polls having taken place related to:
• Concrete pavement design
• Materials
• Construction
• QA/QC testing
For all current and previous poll questions and replies from usually 15+ peer state DOTs on the NC² States’ Q&A Listserv, please click on image to right, or go to: www.cptechcenter.org/national-concrete-consortium-listserv-questions/
Learn more about . . . concrete pavement shrinkage

This quarter features an example search on the topic of shrinkage in concrete pavements in the Concrete Infrastructure Research Database. To view the list that shows the first several articles from the search results, please click on image to right, or go to: www.cptechcenter.org/concrete-infrastructure-research-database/
News from the Road
NEWS FROM THE ROAD highlights research around the country that is helping the concrete pavement community meet the research objectives outlined in the CP Road Map. The research projects and the summaries described herein are the product of the researcher and sponsor(s). For all of the news articles below, please click on link headline in each title below, the “Read More” prompt, on the image to the left, or go to: https://mailchi.mp/51ec75317cdf/spring-2020-nc2-news?e=2945805a7f
Time-Lapse Infrared Thermography
Applied to Concrete Bridge Deck Inspection Surveys

The Federal Highway Administration mandates that all [bridge] structures in its inventory are to be inspected every two years. Consequently, deck surveys are conducted to identify unseen damage within them. A significant number of bridges in Virginia have concrete decks with an overlay. To continue to read the article, please go to: https://mailchi.mp/1ad113e77433/summer-2020-nc2-news
For the RESEARCH REPORT, please click on the image right, or go to: : http://www.virginiadot.org/vtrc/main/online_reports/pdf/20-R22.pdf
Investigation into Shrinkage of High-Performance Concrete
Used for Iowa Bridge Decks and Overlays—
Phase II Shrinkage Control and Field Investigation

This Phase II research project on the shrinkage behavior of high-performance concrete (HPC) used in Iowa bridge decks and overlays evaluated several concrete mixes, building off or modifying mixes developed in Phase I. Based on shrinkage behavior and mechanical properties, the mixes studied in Phase I were characterized as having either high, medium, or low cracking potential.
In this Phase II study, three concrete mixes (Mixes 6, 8, and 2, characterized in Phase I as having high, medium, and low cracking potential, respectively) were selected for further investigation…. To continue to read the article, please go to:
For the RESEARCH REPORT, please click on the image left, or go to: www.publications.iowa.gov/30174/1/TR-690_Final%20Report_Iowa_HPC_deck_and_overlay_shrinkage_phase_II_w_cvr.pdf
Development of Rapid PCC Pavement Repair Materials

Since pavement repair and construction represent a significant percentage of federal and state funding, new materials were investigated to reduce cost and generate a more resilient material. The goal of this project was to develop cost-effective, high-performance concrete materials for rapid pavement repair while minimizing environmental impact.
An experimental study was conducted to investigate sustainable concrete with recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), lightweight aggregate (LWA), and other materials to be used in rapid full-depth repair. To continue to read the article, please go to: https://mailchi.mp/1ad113e77433/summer-2020-nc2-news
For the RESEARCH REPORT, please click on the image left, or go to: https://recast.mst.edu/media/research/recast/documents/finalreports/Rapid%20PCC.pdf#200127094124
Development of Improved Guidelines and Designs for
Thin BCOA: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This report summarizes the investigations undertaken by the University of California Pavement Research Center between 2014 and 2017 to develop recommendations and guidance on the use of thin bonded concrete overlay of asphalt (BCOA) as a rehabilitation alternative for California based on the adoption of, and improvements to, the technology developed in other US states. The main tasks of the project included (1)… To continue to read the article, please go to: https://mailchi.mp/1ad113e77433/summer-2020-nc2-news.
For the RESEARCH REPORT, please click on the image left, or go to:: http://www.ucprc.ucdavis.edu/PDF/UCPRC-SR-2018-01.pdf
For this SUMMER 2020 NCC E-News, please go to:: https://mailchi.mp/1ad113e77433/summer-2020-nc2-news
For all ARCHIVED NCC E-News, please go to: https://cptechcenter.org/nc2-news/
To find out more about the CP Road Map, or to get involved, contact:
Steve Tritsch, HCE Services, Inc.
E-mail: dharrington@hceservices.com | Phone: 515-294-3230
CP Tech Center | 2711 S Loop Drive | Suite 4700 | Ames, IA 50010
The NC² E-News, originally the quarterly newsletter of the former CP Road Map program, overviews new developments in concrete pavement research and technology from around the country.