ISCP Members & ISCP Former President Guide ACPA RT&I Committee Kick-Off

The American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) Research, Technology and Innovation (RT&I) functional group had their inaugural kick-off meeting in late May 2020. The meeting was chaired by Matt Fonte, Division Manager-Castle Rock Construction, and Jim Mack, Director, Market Development-Cemex and Past-Chairman-ACPA.

Dr. Mark Snyder, President and Manager-Pavement Engineering and Research Consultants (PERC), LL, Former President-ISCP, and Honorary Member-ISCP; and Larry Scofield, Director, Pavement Innovation-ACPA serve as liaisons to the functional group.

In advance of the meeting, an RT&I Operating Framework and Scoping Document was sent to the full 19-member committee for review and comment. The web/phone conference attendees were made up of 13 members. The main goal for the meeting was to identify ideas—being anything that will move the market.

After an overview of the functional group and its goals, each member provided their ideas, thoughts, and impressions. A table of ideas will be developed and posted on a Google documents for the group to share.

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Other members of the RT&I functional group include: Jeff Borden, Cold Spring Construction Co.; Gary Fick, The Transtec Group, Inc.; Ron Guntert, Guntert & Zimmerman Const. Div., Inc.; Paul Jaworski, Minnich Manufacturing; Tyler Jensen, Ash Grove Cement Company; Kevin Klein, GOMACO Corporation; Tim Lewellen, Boh Brothers Const. Co., LLC; Tyler Ley, Oklahoma State University; Kevin McMullen, Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association; Charles Nmai, Master Builders; Russell Perry, Wirtgen America Inc.; Michael Redmond, REXCON; David Sciullo, Golden Triangle Construction Co., Inc.; Gordon Smith, CP Tech Center; and Charles Stuart, Southwest Concrete Pavement Association.

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