Webinar Recording: “Introduction to Municipal Concrete Paving Webinar”—Co-Organizers Concrete Ontario & Cement Association of Canada

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Co-organized by Concrete Ontario and the Cement Association of Canada (CAC), a series of Municipal Concrete pavement webinars held it’s first webinar titled “Introduction to Municipal Concrete Paving” on May 5, 2020. It is a 50-minute webinar that may now be viewed at your convenience. As part of the upcoming webinar series, this webinar provides an introduction to Municipal concrete pavements, identifying the basics of concrete pavements including:
• Typical pavement structure and how it carries loads
• Pavement features
• Types and benefits of concrete pavements
• CSA /OPSS.MUNI standards requirements

Tim Smith

Presented by Alan Keri, P.Eng., Director of Technical Services-Concrete Ontario, and Tim Smith, P.Eng., MSc. Eng., Senior Director-Built Environment, Transportation and Public Works, the webinar also introduces the newly released Ontario Good Roads Association Liaison Committee’s Municipal Concrete Paving Guide which focuses on all Ontario-based projects to showcase the many applications where Municipalities have seen benefits by using concrete. Municipalities across the province are slowly seeing the benefits of concrete pavements and the many applications where concrete is simply the superior paving material. Some Municipalities such as the City of Windsor are comprised of 40% concrete roads and continue to reap the benefits of infrastructure that is designed to last through some of the heaviest loading available. The interactive guide will continue to be updated to have the most up-to-date projects summarized for Municipalities to use as a resource. For the document, please go to: https://www.rmcao.org/news/municipal-concrete-paving-guide/

The other webinars coming up in the Concrete Ontario and the Cement Association of Canada Series of Municipal Concrete Pavement Webinars will be presented by Municipal staff and include:
Construction Practices
Several Case Studies of Recent Municipal Projects

To watch/listen at your convenience please click on video here, or go to:
Page: https://www.cement.ca/introduction-to-municipal-concrete-paving-webinar-co-organized-by-concrete-ontario-and-the-cement-association-of-canada/
OR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Rxxq7egRn0&t=169s

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