VIDEO: James Mack “The Weather Channel” Debut! FLOODING: “Concrete Carries the Load”

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Building Roads Resilient to Weather Impacts

James “Jim” Mack, Director, Market Development-CEMEX; Member-ISCP; and CEMEX-a Gold Member-ISCP:  made his debut on the The Weather Channel talking about the impacts of flooding on pavements! Please click on film image above or the link below to view.

FLOODING ROADS: Concrete Pavement More Resilient! Concrete “Carries the Load”!
FLASH FLOODING: “turn around, don’t drown”. Jim Mack:
“Do Road Materials make a difference”
Jim: “YES! Difference – Both asphalt and concrete can be made more weather resident and resilient. But, concrete by its very nature is a little more naturally more resistant…”
Washouts when pavement is literally washed out.
Inundation – silent killer – rising of the water – covers many many more roads than what will be washed out. Soaks base, ground, and material and washes out the underlying materials leads to long-term deterioration that are not as still as concrete. Concrete much more resilient and stronger….
Houston is THE example!
Concrete carries the load.

To view The Weather Channel Jim Mack interview, please go to:

#pavements #resilient #highways

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