FHWA Awards Grant Funding to 10 States for Innovative Highway Projects

At the end of January, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced more than $8 million in Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) Demonstration program grants to state DOTs and local governments in 10 states. The 10 awarded states include: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, and North Dakota. The grants will help deliver bridge projects sooner, improve traffic management, and accelerate the use of innovative tools and technologies.

Nicole Nason, Administrator-FHWA said, “These funds will help support our state and local partners across the country in their efforts to deliver more resilient roads, bridges, and highways for the traveling public. The grants being awarded today will help advance innovative transportation solutions to improve safety and mobility on America’s roadways.”

Since the launch of the AID Demonstration in February 2014 (including grants announced in January) FHWA officials have awarded more than $74 million for 102 grants to help federal land management agencies, tribal governments, state DOTs, metropolitan planning organizations, and local governments accelerate the use of innovative practices and improve safety.

Some of the recipients of the grants include:
The Alabama DOT and Baldwin County Highway Department receiving $1 million to employ two innovations—Accelerated Bridge Construction and Next Beam Ultra High-Performance Concrete Retrofit—to shorten construction time from 14 weeks to 6 weeks for bridge retrofit projects.
The Illinois DOT will receive $1 million to employ an innovative material known as compacted concrete pavement to improve roadway surface conditions on Hollow Avenue in the City of Jerseyville.
The Minnesota DOT will receive $1 million for an innovative road project to improve safety, mobility, and access for drivers and bicyclists along Broadway Avenue in the City of Winona.

Road & Bridges (R&B) article titled “FHWA Awards Grant Funding to 10 States for Innovative Highway Projects”: www.roadsbridges.com/fhwa-awards-grant-funding-10-states-innovative-highway-projects
Grant Recipients Full List: www.highways.dot.gov/newsroom/fhwa-awards-8-million-10-states-innovative-highway-projects
R&B online magazine article titled “FHWA Announces Availability of Advanced Transportation Technologies Grants”, please go to: www.roadsbridges.com/fhwa-announces-availability-advanced-transportation-technologies-grants
AID Demonstration Program: www.fhwa.dot.gov/innovation/grants/
FHWA Innovative Highway Projects page titled FHWA Awards $8 Million to 10 States for Innovative Highway Projects”highways.dot.gov/newsroom/fhwa-awards-8-million-10-states-innovative-highway-projects
R&B Funding page: “NAVAJO Nation Says it Needs $7.9B to Meet Current Infrastructure Needs”: www.roadsbridges.com/navajo-nation-says-it-needs-79b-meet-current-infrastructure-needs
R&B CONCRETE PAGE: https://www.roadsbridges.com/concrete

Photo: FHWA website

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