EUPAVE will hold two events on March 17 and March 18, 2020.
This article is a formal Announcement about the Workshop to be held March 18, 2020
(see paragraph following below, for the article pertaining to the March 17 Luncheon event):
Program, Venue, & Details Announced for
European Concrete Concrete Paving Association (EUPAVE)
5th Workshop on “Best Practices in Concrete Paving”!
Wednesday | March 18, 2020 | 13:00 – 18:30
Le Châtelain Boutique Hôtel | Rue du Châtelain 17, 1000
Brussels, Belgium
For details about the MARCH 17, 2020 Luncheon the day before: ‘“2020 Concrete Dialogue Luncheon: A Green Deal for European Cities, “How can cities lead the way to a sustainable built environment?”‘, please go to the ISCP article titled “EUPAVE Member Luncheon: A Green Deal for European Cities “How can cities lead the way to a sustainable built environment?” & SAVE THE DATE: EUPAVE Workshop: “Best Practices”—Mar 17 & 18, Each in Brussels”:

Various topics will be discussed throughout
the March 18th Workshop day, including:
• Concrete Pavement Preservation Strategies
• Road Condition Assessment
• Various Repair Techniques for concrete slabs
• Continuing Reinforced Concrete Pavements (CRCP)
• Use of self-healing concrete and multi-crystalline technologies—Innovative developments in concrete preservation
This workshop is intended for experts coming from Road Agencies, Engineering Bureaus, Contractors, etc. who have an interest in the management and preservation of concrete pavements. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange and discuss the specific aspects, challenges and difficulties experienced in that field.
REGISTRATION: FREE for EUPAVE Members and Partners. For external participants, your registration will be confirmed upon receipt of the EUR 150 (excl. VAT). An invoice will be sent to you shortly after registration.
To REGISTER, please send an e-mail to Elise Carabédian: E-mail:
For non-members and non-partner, please include the name, address and VAT number of your organization in your e-mail. You may also go to:
BECOME a Partner of EUPAVE after the workshop, and participation fee will be DEDUCTED from your yearly partnership dues (1,000 EUR). For more information, please contact:
Ms. Elise Carabedian: E-mail:
For the PROGRAM, please click on image above right, or go to:
For the 5th Workshop page with DETAILS, REGISTRATION and PROGRAM on the EUPAVE website, please go to: