… Because of the holidays, CP Tech Center travel slowed in December …
Peter Taylor, Steve Tritsch, Gordon Smith, and John Adam joined ACPA’s 56th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. A CP Tech Center Executive Board Meeting was held in the same location because so many CP Tech Center board members attend each year’s Annual ACPA Meeting!

Triptych and Katelyn Freshman, Bridge Engineering Center (BEC)-Institute for Transportation, cohosted an Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) WEBINAR focuses upon using UAS for land surveying—Featuring presenter, Paul Wheeler, UAS Program Manager–Utah Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics. Topics include:
Surveying tools
Rotorcraft versus fixed-wing UAS
GPS equipment
Ground control points
Flight planning
Photogrammetry point cloud versus LiDAR point cloud
For the webinar, click on the image above, or go to: https://cptechcenter.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4bf55bc365dca0e5c928442da&id=2a3e084180&e=2945805a7f
December 10
With Kurt Smith, Applied Pavement Technology, Tritsch provided training on concrete pavement preservation for the GeorgiaDOT in Atlanta, Georgia.
Taylor and Smith presented the same day at the SD-DOT in Sioux Falls, SD, on the CP Tech Center’s recently published Integrated Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete Pavement (IMCP) Manual.
December 11 & 12
Closer to home, the CP Tech Center‘s flagship “Lunch Hour Forum” training, cosponsored by the Iowa Concrete Paving Association (ICPA) and Iowa DOT under the leadership of Jerod Gross, commenced in December its winter training season. This season’s lunch forum training addresses the topic of “Lessons Learned and Success Stories for Long-Life Concrete Pavements” and convened in December state, county, and municipal engineers from across Iowa in Ottumwa, Waterloo, Mason City, Ankeny, and Cedar Rapids. In addition, to ensure the CP Tech Center serves its local as well as national community, CP Tech Center Program Manager, John Adam, joined the Iowa County Engineers Conference in Des Moines.
December 12

Triptych and Freshman cohosted a second UAS WEBINAR focusing upon using UAS for bridge inspection—Featuring David Cheyne and Brian Merrill of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. Topics include:
• Advantages of UAS for bridge inspections
• Which type of bridge inspection will benefit
• UAS platforms and sensors
• FAA regulations regarding UAS for bridge inspections
• UAS limitations
For the webinar, click on the image to the right, or go to: https://cptechcenter.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4bf55bc365dca0e5c928442da&id=2a3e084180&e=2945805a7f
December 17
Taylor again helped provide IMCP-related training for the Wisconsin DOT in Madison, WI, this time with Jerod Gross, Snyder & Associates. All three state DOT workshops were sponsored by the Technology Transfer Concrete Consortium (TTCC) Pooled Fund TPF-5(313)
Meet the board members
Jerry Voigt, President and CEO of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) (since 2005). With the ACPA Board of Directors, Voigt develops and directs business objectives, strategies, and programs across all ACPA functional areas. Voigt has also been instrumental in progress made by ACPA’s Legislative Issues Committee.
Prior to joining ACPA, Voigt earned a BS and MS in civil engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In addition, Voigt’s work as a professional pavement engineer has given him substantial technical experience along with specialties in construction troubleshooting, pavement design, and pavement jointing. Voigt is a frequent speaker at US industry events and meetings of concrete professionals and he also serves as president of the Innovative Pavement Research Foundation.
Voigt brings a wealth of professional expertise, broad-based industry connections, and extensive management experience to his seat on the CP Tech Center’s Executive Board of Directors.
Gordon Smith and Peter Taylor’s scheduled education session on Thursday, March 12th, at North America’s largest construction trade show, CONEXPO-CON/AGG, on the topic of Performance Engineered Concrete Mixtures for Pavements has been selected for showcasing via a pre-show article. Contractors wanting to improve their concrete paving profitability while maximizing demonstrable pavement quality are encouraged to join this CP Tech Center presentation in Las Vegas, NV, at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2020—See you there!
Finally, as of December 31, 2019:
The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) & Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Developed Drone Resources—Can drone technology help you?
In collaboration with FHWA—and as part of the “Every Day Counts 5 (EDC-5) initiative”—the CP Tech Center produced a series of tech briefs and webinars to highlight proven-use cases that leverage unmanned aerial systems (UAS), more commonly referred to as drones, for the construction, management, and operation of infrastructure.
Of the extensive list of applications that benefit from the implementation of UAS, four topics were chosen to highlight the most common and advanced applications.
CP Tech Center developed a tech brief for each topic, and a corresponding recorded webinar was given by their authors—4 proven use cases for unmanned aerial systems. These use cases can be implemented at the national, state, and local levels, and getting started using UAS technology is often attainable at a low price point:
• Construction inspection
• Bridge inspection
• Emergency management of flooding events
• Land surveying
For more information, including links to access the tech briefs and webinars, please go to the InTrans site with title “FHWA Unmanned Aerial System Tech Brief Development and Every Day Counts Round 5 Support”: https://intrans.iastate.edu/research/in-progress/fhwa-unmanned-aerial-system-tech-brief-development-and-every-day-counts-round-5-support/ (Source: CP Tech Center’s “Resources” newsletter, January 2020.)
Thursday, March 12, 2020 at CONEXPO-CON/AGG
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM | Location: South Hall – S232:
Gordon Smith and Peter Taylor’s education session at CONEXPO-CON/AGG—North America’s largest construction trade show—has been selected for showcasing via a pre-show article. Contractors wanting to improve their concrete paving profitability while maximizing demonstrable pavement quality are encouraged to join this CP Tech Center presentation in Las Vegas, NV at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2020!
Title: Performance Engineered Concrete Mixtures for Pavements
Description: The topic of concrete mixture design, proportioning, and testing of those mixtures to survive their environment is gaining nationwide attention, as evidenced in a trend toward consideration of performance based specifications. Tighter budgets, higher maintenance costs, fewer employees, sustainability pressures and concerns about long term concrete pavement durability are contributing to a call to better understand the parameters that influence critical performance for concrete mixtures.
Agencies and contractors are responding to this new engineering approach to ensure that concrete mixtures achieve their design expectations. While owners are primarily concerned with long-term performance, including strength and durability, contractors are focused on constructability issues like workability, setting and early strength.
Learning Objectives:
1. Explore the critical concrete mixture design decisions related to these needs.
2. Consider the work being done with respect to proportioning as an iterative process based on aggregate and paste systems.
3. Discover a new generation of test methods that assess the properties of a mixture that directly affect the potential longevity of a pavement mixture.
Type: CONEXPO-CON/AGG Education
For the presentation information, please go to: directory.conexpoconagg.com/8_0/sessions/session-details.cfm?scheduleid=114