The International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP) is pleased to present the newest brochure for the 12th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (12th ICCP) loaded with new images, new ISCP Executive Officers, and critical information about the 12th ICCP‘s:
*Preliminary Schedule
**Conference Registration
—Register by April 17 for Early Bird Member Discounted Prices!
New Sponsors
Sponsorship Registration
Exhibitor Registration
Steering Committee
10 Preliminary Workshops
Hotel Registration Discount Rates
—12th ICCP block & Government
Field Trips & Site Visits
Social Events

To REGISTER for the 12th ICCP—Early-Bird member rates through April 17, 2020, the HOTEL with discount rates—12th ICCP block and government, EXHIBITION, SPONSORSHIP, and the NEW BROCHURE, please click on image above, or go to: www.concretepavements.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1_FINALBROCHUREJan26th_12-30amAMD1PDF.pdf