Winnipeg Canada: Concrete Best Long-Term Choice for Pavement—1st Concrete Pavements Date Back to 1903!

Winnipeg Free Press recently reported on the Canadian City of Winnipeg, Manitoba’s commitment to finding the best value for the money for taxpayers, drivers, and businesses when paving local roads. According to recent news stories in the Free Press, the city is currently exploring the benefits of continuing a decades-old practice of paving roads with concrete.

Winnipeg is home to some of Canada’s first
concrete pavements dating back to 1903!

According to the city, oncrete pavement now makes up over 80% of Winnipeg’s street network, and key infrastructure all use concrete pavement—the Bus Rapid Transit, Hwy 75, PTH 59, PTH 101, and the Winnipeg Airport.

Since it’s critical that city politicians and officials base their decisions on accurate and reliable information, and it’s important for the public to know the facts, the Free Press would like to address inaccuracies seen in recent news stories.

If the city’s bottom line is saving money, reducing harmful emissions, improving safety, and sparing drivers the aggravation of roads under constant repair, then concrete is hard to beat—especially in Winnipeg’s harsh climate! Concrete is a green solution that saves money for cities, drivers and taxpayers.

What independent research says about concrete roads—Save money, take less energy to construct, reduce lighting needs, improve fuel efficiency, cut pollution, consistently strong = no potholes/no ruts/no low-temp cracking, no black ice, durable salt resistance … all add up to safer, less expensive pavement:

1. Cities and their taxpayers save money over the life of a road when it is paved with concrete. For example, based on pavement design, the city of Ontario can save about 15% on the initial cost of every kilometre paved with concrete and an extra 51% on road maintenance over a 50-year lifespan. A longer lifespan means: less repair, less rehabilitation work, better value for each tax dollar spent.

Innovative construction techniques, such as fast-track concrete or precast concrete panels, allow opening roadways on the same day, adding convenience to the equation.

2. Construction of concrete roads:
—involves 66% less energy
—reduces up to 24% in lighting needs
—Improves the fuel efficiency of commercial vehicles by up to 7%
Using less energy is better for the environment, while reduced fuel consumption saves money and cuts vehicle pollution.

3. The improved fuel efficiency of concrete roads yields potentially significant reductions in carbon emissions—as much as 12,000 metric tons per lane kilometer. That is equivalent to avoiding the consumption of over 5 million litres of gas over the lifespan of the pavement. That’s not the only reason why concrete is the best-in-class solution from an environmental perspective. Looking at a few more:
—In Manitoba, concrete pavement requires 17% less granular base material
—As an inert material, concrete doesn’t emit fumes, which means less air pollution
—As a cooler surface, concrete helps reduce urban temperatures and GHG emissions
—Incredibly, concrete naturally absorbs harmful CO2 from the atmosphere.
—Innovation is reducing the carbon footprint of cement—typically represents 10% to 15% of a concrete mixture
—Concrete is 100% recyclable, reducing the need to pollute landfills

4. Due to its slower cooling process, concrete minimizes potential for “black ice” in the winter. Brighter qualities improve visibility at night, keeping pedestrians and drivers safer.

Concrete’s strength means virtually no potholes, ruts, or low temperature cracking. And this means safer driving conditions and no hydroplaning caused by pooling surface water.

Proper concrete pavement mix designs and installation allow for late-season placement of concrete pavement and provide durable salt resistance.

5. When it comes to infrastructure investments, keeping the long-term in mind is critical, both from a financial and an environmental perspective. That’s why adopting a life-cycle approach to decision-making is so important—it helps reduce the temptation to focus only on low-cost options designed for short-term political expediency. Life-cycle tools promote longer-term taxpayer value.

Tight budgets, aging infrastructure, and the added pressures to buy environmentally friendly solutions can make projects more demanding of public and elected officials. But it doesn’t have to be complicated. The Manitoba concrete industry shares responsibility for shaping prosperous, low-carbon, and climate-resilient communities. The city is eager to continue working with city officials to deliver affordable, safe, and environmentally friendly solutions for the citizens of Winnipeg.

Linton Mounk, P. Eng., President-Concrete Manitoba
Michael McSweeney, President and CEO-Cement Association of Canada

Article from Winnipeg Free Press:

For the ISCP May 2019 article titled “CANADA: Major Winnipeg Project Brings Concrete Solution to Longstanding Bottleneck”, please go to:

Home photo from: Rock to Road 2010 Online article titled “‘Pavement’ means concrete in southern Manitoba”: