October 1st-2nd
The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) had a very busy October 2019! CP Tech Center staff members Gordon Smith and Jerod Gross taught a one-day TTCC Concrete Pavement Inspectors’ Training Course to more than 50 representatives at each location—in Orlando, Florida and Gainesville, Florida—from agencies, engineering firms, and industries. In Gainesville, Smith and Gross enjoyed touring the Florida DOT (FDOT)’s state-of-the-art materials and testing facility.
October 3rd–6th
Smith also attended the fall Portland Cement Association (PCA) and National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) meetings in Orlando, Florida. He shared CP Tech Center activities with the PCA Board of Directors and introduced the NRMCA to the CP Tech Center’s new Guide to Concrete Trails published via funding from the Ready Mixed Concrete (RMC) Research and Education Foundation.
October 7th
The CP Tech Center was invited to this year’s Texas A&M University “Research Labs Day”in College Station, Texas. The “Research Labs Day” is an event that provides graduate students the opportunity to network with representatives from nationally recognized research institutions. At the event, Dr. Seyedhamed Sadati, Assistant Scientist-CP Tech Center, gave an overview of ongoing CP Tech Center research activities and publications, and discussed current projects and potential for future collaboration with the Texas A&M researchers.
October 8th–9th
Steve Tritsch, Associate Director-CP Tech, participated in an Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Peer Exchange in Grand Forks, North Dakota. This peer exchange is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through their Every Day Counts (EDC-5) Technical Assistance Program. Participants involved were representatives from 6 state DOTs (Iowa, Minnesota, Montanna, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming); 4 FHWA Division Offices (Montana, Montanna, North Dakota, and South Dakota); and 3 universities.
October 14th-15th
Annual Airport Engineering Seminar was hosted by the University of North Carolina Charlotte (UNCC) in Charlotte, North Carolina, where Peter Taylor, Director-CP Tech joined Greg Dean, Executive Director-Carolinas Concrete Paving Association (ACPA) and Tara Cavalline, Associate Professor of Engineering Technology and Construction Management-UNCC in an interesting panel discussion about the potential of applying performance-engineered mixture (PEM) thinking to airfield applications.
October 15th
For the National Road Research Alliance’s (NRRA)’s monthly “Research Pays Off” webinar, Dr. Sadati over-viewed two Minnesota pavement sections’ lab and field test performance in a presentation on “Reduced Cementitious Material in Optimized Concrete Mixtures”.
October 15th-17th
Smith joined representatives from ACPA staff, ACPA members, aggregate industry, asphalt industry, state DOTs, and pavement preservation organizations for a stakeholders’ workshop with FHWA at their Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center in McLean, Virginia. Topics included pavement-related specifications, as well as experiences/issues and state-of-the-practice with various contracting formats.
October 15th
Kansas/Missouri ACPA (MO/KS ACPA) chapter meeting was attended by approximately 30 DOT and industry personnel in Overland Park, Kansas. John Adam, Program Manager-CP Tech, provided an overview and update regarding Performance Engineered Mixtures (PEM) and its implementation.
October 20th-24th
At the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, Taylor attended a number of concrete-pavement-related committee meetings and presented on overlays in urban applications.
October 28th-29th
Taylor participated in the annual 4000-attendee Ohio Transportation Engineering Conference where he presented on the PEM approach to specifications and testing to approximately 125 people in a parallel session.
October 29th-31st
Smith, along with Gross, Tom Cackler, and Dale Harrington, facilitated the concrete paving industry’s annual concrete overlay summit in Chicago, Illinois. Highlights of the summit included discussion about progress in:
• Overlay acceptance and performance in a number of states
• Identification of research needs
• Strategies to advance the market for concrete pavement as a resurfacing alternative
October 30th-31st
Tritsch participated in the semiannual MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub Industry Advisory Council and Technical Advisory Group meetings. Updates and discussion of future research addressed crowd-sourced pavement data, pavement assets management, pavement-related greenhouse gas mitigation, and alkali-silica reaction modeling. For the ISCP article covering these meetings, please go to: https://www.concretepavements.org/2019/11/29/alpa-nov-tag-meetings-iac-16th-conf-ma-at-mit-ca-fl-oh-az/
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