A Highway Construction Workforce Partnership (HCWP) partners’ meeting
held November 4th provided insights into the solutions to federal programs aimed at addressing
workforce issues, including shortages and developmental programs.
The meeting was hosted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)’s Center for Transportation Workforce Development at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Headquarters in Washington, DC. In addition to the key agencies, other partners include Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)’s Employment and Training Administration, and National Asphalt Paving Association (NAPA).
Opening remarks we given by by Tony Furst, Chief Innovation Officer-FHWA, and Nancy Rooney, Deputy Assistant Secretary-U.S. DOL. Leif Wathne, Executive Vice President-American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) and Jay Hansen, Executive Vice President – Advocacy for the NAPA both shared comments with the group.
The meeting covered a variety of topics:
Proposed rulemaking for an apprenticeship program
Participants also received a summary of HWCP activity in various states and cities:
Connecticut—modified the Connecticut “Building Pathways” programto emphasize highway construction job training with a focus on developing trade curriculum in high schools
Rhode Island—focused on bringing women into highway construction jobs through the Rhode Island Building Futures Program
Alabama—developed highway construction workforce curriculum to be delivered by 3 community colleges’ geographic locations throughout the state
Idaho—participation and support from CEOs of the Idaho Transportation Department, Idaho Workforce Development Board, Idaho Associated General Contractors of America, and FHWA Division is driving a comprehensive Idaho HCWP
—Idaho AGC also secured a grant from the Idaho Workforce Development Board for training in construction trades included highways
Arizona—strong leadership from the Arizona AGC and the Arizona Workforce Development Board through its “Arizona At Work” program; Working Group developed a one week “Industry Readiness” class for prospective highway construction workers; and conducted 4 Industry Readiness Programs
South Dakota—good participation from the key partners including the AGC Chapter, SD Department of Labor, FHWA Division, and SD Department of Transportation
Pittsburgh—developed highway construction training curriculum; AGC affiliate Constructors Association of Western Pennsylvania (CAWP) developed highway construction career awareness computer application: “Future Road Builders” (FBR)—serves as introduction to highway construction jobs as well as pathway to highway construction apprenticeships
Atlanta—2 major projects identified to run in next 5 years: 1) State’s Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP)—targets improvements on the highways around Atlanta to add capacity and safety 2) Fulton Transportation Pilot—encompasses surrounding of Atlanta
Dallas—good collaboration among partners/contractors. Dallas Workforce Solutions (Dallas WDB) has extensive experience in training and placement and is developing a good understanding of the transportation sector. The WG focused on identifying effective approaches for outreach and training
Denver—strong highway workforce development sector strategy in place—focus on project that provides comprehensive program for highway career awareness, recruitment, training and placement. Local Workforce Boards have formed an alliance with the Colorado Department of Transportation, Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, state workforce board, employers, and other stakeholders. Plan are to extend HCWP partnership activities…
St. Louis—HCWP has been slow: 2 major highway construction projects delayed, plus little activity due to lack of leadership despite efforts by the FHWA Division. New projects will need to be identified for the HCWP, key partners need to regroup
Los Angeles—good representation from across the partner spectrum including FHWA, Caltrans, Workforce Development Boards (10 in LA the area), contractors, unions, government, universities, and community colleges. HCWP developing apprenticeship programs in 2 multi-billion-dollar projects
For all of the details in the summary HCWP activities above in PDF form, please go to: http://www.acpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Highway-Construction-Workforce-Partnership.pdf