**For the ISCP April 2019 article titled “El 10° Congreso Iberoamericano de Pavimentos de Hormigón, 20,21 Y 22 de Noviembre en Santiago de Chile”, please go to: https://www.concretepavements.org/2019/04/14/el-10-congreso-iberoamericano-de-pavimentos-de-hormigon-2021-y-22-de-noviembre-en-santiago-de-chile/
“Congreso Internacional de Pavimentos de Hormigón”—the “10th Iberoamerican Conference on Concrete Pavements“—will be held this month: November 20-22, 2019 at the Hotel Galerias, Santiago, capital of the Republic of Chile, South America.
This 3-day conference is hosted by the Chilean Institute of Cement and Concrete (ICH), is jointly organized by Iberoamerican Ready Mix Federation (FIHP) and the Interamerican Cement Federation (FICEM), and co-sponsored by the International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP).
Wednesday, November 20 will feature a 4-session WORKSHOP and the main conference will take place on Thursday and Friday November 21-22. The workshops are:
• Concrete Pavement Mechanistic Design
• Construction and Maintenance Costs
• Financing and Decision Making in Paving Projects
• Design and Construction of Industrial Floors
The conference continues Thursday, November 21, 2019 and ends on Friday, November 22, 2019. Jeff Roesler, ISCP President will be presenting, as well as former Robert Rodden, ISCP Director. The presentations at the conference will be delivered by specialists from Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Argentina, and the U.S. Previous conferences in this series were held in Paraguay (2018), Guatemala (2017) and Peru (2016).

The 10th conference also includes a commercial EXHIBITION. Among the topics that will be addressed within the congress are among others the following:
• Procedures and Construction Systems
• Competitiveness and Advantages of Concrete Pavements
• Aspects related to the Contributions to the Sustainability of Concrete Pavements
• Conservation, Maintenance, Pathology and Repair of Concrete Pavements
• Study of Successful Cases
• and more …
The conference is for professionals from the Civil Engineering area, technical professionals from companies dedicated to road construction and/or concrete production, design consultants and supervision of road projects, public and private entity officials in charge of project management and planning, project personnel industries and suppliers of equipment and supplies related to the field, academics and researchers related to the field of pavements and Road Engineering in general.
For the PROGRAM (Spanish), please click on image above, or go to: http://hormigonarte.cl/emailing/pavimentando/fihp2019/brochure_fihp2019.pdf
For the Conference WEBSITE (Spanish-English link below), please go to: http://10ciph2019.ich.cl/
Conference Website in English: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2F10ciph2019.ich.cl
For more information about event details, sponsorship opportunities and registration, contact:
Katherine Montecinos V. | E-mail: inscriptions@ich.cl
HOTEL Galerias: RESERVATIONS: Reservas: reservashotel@ich.cl
En pleno centro de Santiago de Chile, donde se desa- rrollan las principales actividades comerciales y cul- turales de la ciudad. Hotel Galerias le invita a vivir una cálida experiencia en servicio.
For the Hotel Galerias Santiago, Chile, please go to:
Website: https://www.hotelgalerias.cl/es-es | Phone: +56 2 2470 7400