Register by Nov 22 for the ASCP Melbourne Forum to be Held Nov 27 in Docklands

The Australian Society for Concrete Pavements (ASCP)
will hold its Melbourne Forum

WEDNESDAY  |  November 27, 2019
8:30 am – 1:30 pm
Melbourne SMEC Offices  |  Tower 4 Level 20
727 Collins Street  |  Docklands  |  Melbourne, Australia

Click for 2-page PDF of Program

Concrete Pavement Design & Construction Overview
Concrete Pavement Mix Design
Asset Management of Concrete Pavements—PMS, Road Condition, Inspection, Interventions & Prioritization
Slab Replacements—Rapid Repair Technologies
Diamond Grinding Surface Treatments
Discussion & Closing Remarks

PROGRAM: This forum is open for all concrete pavement practitioners to attend. The first Melbourne Forum held in July this year was held only for Vicroads (now Department of Transport). The November Melbourne Forum, and all future forums, will be open for registration from all within the industry. ASCP members can attend our forums at no cost. On this occasion, non-members are welcome to attend, also at no cost.

Click for 2-page PDF of Program

This will be ASCP’s second 2019 forum in Melbourne. It will address pavement design and concrete mixes, asset management including intervention strategies and timings, surface treatment options with diamond grinding, and slab replacement using new rapid repair technologies.

There are 3 forums and 3 training courses scheduled for 2020. This forum will be part of an ongoing series of Melbourne forums which will provide technical, design and construction information on best practice methods for the methodologies for maintaining and preserving existing assets. Attendees will be provided with information about the 2020 program of forums and training courses, availability of ASCP Pavement Notes, implementation of a widened range of concrete pavement resources, including access to international discussion groups.

Members – $ 0.00
Non Members – $ 0.00

Continuing Professional Development: Attendance may be eligible for credits towards Engineers Australia and other organizations’ Continued Professional Development requirements.

For the 2-page Forum Notice and Registration details, please click on either image above right, or go to:

To REGISTER by November 22 to attend, please go to: ASCP Events Page:

ASCP Website:

For questions, please contact:
Kevin Abrams: Phone: 02 9918 2610  |  E-mail:

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