Features & Benefits of “PavementDesigner.org” Shown in New Video

Screenshot of video. Click to enlarge.

The American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) debuted a NEW VIDEO titled “See how PavementDesigner.org can help you” that shows the features and benefits of “PavementDesigner.org”—the cement and concrete industry’s concrete-pavement-thickness design platform that allows users to design pavements free of charge using a computer or other digital devices. PavementDesigner website is free of charge and was created for city, county, and consultant engineers, academia, or anyone involved in design of roadway, industrial, and parking area pavements.

Screenshot of video. Click to enlarge.

On behalf of the Portland Cement Association (PCA), National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) (and its affiliate the RMC Research and Education Foundation), and the RCC Pavement Council, ACPA launched the web-based concrete pavement design solution in January of 2018. ACPA’s goal is for PavementDesigner.org to dramatically change the concrete pavement design culture and current practices for streets, parking lots, industrial pavements, and other facilities. The tool improves upon traditional pavement design software programs, and provides the following value-added features:

  • No cost – The platform and is offered completely free of charge, eliminating the expense and burden of ordering software and updates, licenses, etc.
  • Immediate access – The platform brings the industry’s best pavement design programs together into a single website that allows professionals to design pavements immediately.
  • Cloud storage/retrieval – Users have the option of creating a user ID and password to save their design work, as well as to retrieve projects using any digital device.
  • Automatic updates and improvements – The online system is automatically updated when new content or details are added. Users will not have to download updated software or “patches.”
Screenshot of video. Click to enlarge.

“ACPA was excited to serve as the project leader for PavementDesigner, working closely with our industry partners and our software designer. [This] represents a dramatic shift in solutions availability to designers of streets, roads, parking lots, and industrial facilities,” said project leader Eric Ferrebee, EIT, Director of Technical Services-ACPA. “By bringing multiple programs together in one package and eliminating the cost and time to download software, updates, and patches, we have removed barriers and enabled designers to select the best option for pavement designs.”

Screenshot of video. Click to enlarge.

For the VIDEO, please see post on the ISCP website: https://www.concretepavements.org/2019/10/22/new-video-pavementdesigner-org-being-used-to-design-concrete-pavements-on-6-continents/

For information, please go to the ACPA PavementDesigner.org website: https://www.pavementdesigner.org

For previous ISCP articles on PavementDesigner.org, please go to:
January 2018: “NEW Website! Concrete Pavement Design”: https://www.concretepavements.org/2018/01/08/9189/
June 2018: “Paper on “PavementDesigner.com” by ISCP Member Eric Ferrebee Earns Top Honors at 13th ISCR-2018 in Berlin”: https://www.concretepavements.org/2018/06/29/paper-on-pavementdesigner-com-by-iscp-member-eric-ferrebee-earns-top-honors-at-13th-iscr-2018-in-berlin/
July 2018: ““PavementDesigner.org” on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram—Join in on the Discussion!”: https://www.concretepavements.org/2018/07/17/pavementdesigner-org-on-twitter-facebook-instagram-join-in-on-the-discussion/
November 2018: “3 “ACI Committee Meetings” & “17th Annual NICC 2018” Included “PavementDesigner.org” Presentations”: https://www.concretepavements.org/2018/11/12/3-aci-committee-meetings-17th-annual-nicc-2018-included-pavementdesigner-org-presentations/
January 2019: “2019 ACPA: New Chairman; Projected Increase in SY Concrete Pavement Use; 4th-Q CPP Magazine; & Top Recognition for “PavementDesigner.org””: https://www.concretepavements.org/2019/01/25/2019-acpa-new-chairman-projected-increase-in-sy-concrete-pavement-use-4th-q-cpp-magazine-top-recognition-for-pavementdesigner-org/
April 2019: “Continuing “PavementDesigner.org” Outreach to Industry & VIDEO Presentation”: https://www.concretepavements.org/2019/04/10/continuing-pavementdesigner-outreach-to-industry-video-presentation/

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