August 2019 was a busy month for the Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) as they were present in Baltimore, Maryland; Franklin, Tennessee; Moline, Illinois; Indianapolis, Indiana; Chicago, Illinois; St. Louis, Missouri; and Little Rock, Arkansas
AASHTO COMP | Baltimore, Maryland | August 4-8
The month began with Steve Tritsch and Gordon Smith participating in the meeting of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Committee on Materials and Pavements (COMP) at the Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore, MD, held on August 4th to 8th, as well as in various technical subcommittee meetings. The Committee Meetings began the first evening with a COMP Refresher Cocktail Hour, followed by Monday morning NEW State Regional Breakfasts where state and affiliated members attended a choice of 4 breakfast meetings designed for their regions. Attendees met and chat about regional issues with their regional representative and colleagues from their regions. Monday through Wednesday meetings entailed Plenary Sessions—Maryland Welcome, Chair and Steering Committee Updates, AASHTO Update, FHWA Transforming Transportation through Innovation, and State Roundtable Session; and Technical Working Sessions. AASHTO COMP Annual Meeting Minutes and Presentations NOW AVAILABLE: https://materials.transportation.org/meetings/
For the program, please go to: https://materials.transportation.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2019/09/COMP19-Program-v5-web.pdf
PEM Open House | Moline, Illinois | August 5-6
In Moline, IL, Peter Taylor and Hamed Sadati, Assistant Scientist-CP Tech Center joined an OPEN HOUSE, held August 5-6, that showcased performance-engineered mixtures (PEM).
AASHTO Committee on Construction | Franklin, Tennessee | August 11-15
John Adam participated similarly in the meeting of the AASHTO Committee on Construction that was held Monday-Thursday August 11-15 in Franklin, TN. The meeting included technical working group breakout sessions addressing pavements and structures. Of particular interest was an integrated construction technologies presentation by Michael Kennelly, Design Bureau-Iowa DOT who demonstrated a variety of state-of-the-art 3D modeling and automated machine control technologies.
The AGENDA included an Ice Breaker Reception on Sunday evening as well as a COC Officers & Host State Member Meeting. Monday through included a New Member Orientation/Breakfast Meeting, Opening Session, Tennessee DOT Welcome, AASHTO Update, COC Chair Welcome and Member Self Introductions, Group Picture, General Sessions—FHWA Update, NTPEP Update, State Discussions—Technical Section Meetings, Safety, Environment and Workforce Development Sessions; Research Technical Committee Working Meeting; Contract Administration Sessions; and Roadway, Research Sessions; Structures Sessions; Integrated Construction Technologies Sessions; AASHTO Members Regional Peer Breakouts; Technical Section Final Report; Future Host State Presentations; and Closing Remarks. Tuesday evening, there was a Networking Event at the Gravestone Quarry; Wednesday evening, there were 2 TOURS—1) Traffic Incident Management System (TIMS) Track and 2) Floodwall Site Visit in the Opryland Area; and Thursday evening, there was a Business Meeting and Dinner Banquet at The Country Music Hall of Fame.
For the AGENDA, please go to: https://construction.transportation.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2019/09/2019-COC-agenda.pdf
AASHTO Committee on Construction Meeting PRESENTATIONS NOW AVAILABLE: https://construction.transportation.org/?page_id=97?page_id=97
MAASTO | Indianapolis, Indiana | August 12-14
Steve Tritsch attended the meeting of the Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials (MAASTO) held on August 12th to 14th at the Hyatt Regency Downtown in Indianapolis, Indiana. The goal of MAASTO, is to foster the development, operation, and maintenance of an integrated and balanced transportation system that adequately serves the transportation needs of the ten member states. Participation in the annual conference ensures that the legacy of MAASTO continues for today’s transportation needs as well as for the next generation of leaders. For more information, please go to: http://www.cvent.com/events/2019-maasto-annual-meeting/agenda-276bdbdb90af43e4ae57edaa3469c7d3.aspx
FHWA Meeting | Chicago, Illinois | August 14-16
Peter Taylor attended the FHWA meeting of 23 stakeholders who represented agencies, consultants, and academia on August 14-16 in Chicago, IL. The meeting purposes was to discuss current and future approaches to concrete pavement design practices, including the benefits and challenges of designing and building long-life systems. It was a great opportunity for a diverse range of people to express their visions and suggestions for future work in the area of pavement design.
FHWA Meeting | St. Louis, Missouri | August 26-28
Tritsch updated the Pavement Preservation Expert Task Group on the recent release of the revised FHWA Pavement Preservation Checklist Series, as well as on the associated checklist apps currently under development, at an August 26th to 28th meeting in St. Louis, MO.
For the FHWA Checklist Series, please go to: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/preservation/ppcl00.cfm
For the APPS FHWA Checklist Series, please go to: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/focus/12oct/12oct05.cfm
Annual Arkansas Concrete Pavement Conference
Little Rock, Arkansas | August 27-28
Peter Taylor attended the Little Rock Annual Arkansas Concrete Pavement Conference August 27-28 at the Holiday Inn Airport Hotel & Conference Center. He had the opportunity to share CP Tech Center activities and products under development with approximately 130 attendees. Organized by the Oklahoma/Arkansas Chapter-ACPA, the conference included a number of interesting research presentations by University of Arkansas students, allowing good opportunity for engagement on potential ways of working together. Scott Bennett, Director-Arkansas Department of Transportation, kicked off the session with a recap of this year’s legislative action. The following two days included a series of very informative technical presentations and an awards luncheon that honored some great concrete pavement projects completed in 2018. For the OK/AR ACPA Chapter website, please go to: http://www.concreteroads.org