JULY, 2019 was another busy travel month for the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center)—the national hub for concrete pavement research and technology transfer founded in 2000, and has been instrumental in developing and helping to advance the nation’s strategic plan for concrete pavement research, the CP Road Map.
July 13-18:
John Adam, Program Manager-CP Tech Center, attended the annual meeting of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Committee on Maintenance held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. At the annual meeting, Adam participated in technical working group breakout sessions addressing pavements and pavement maintenance.
JULY 22-24:
Peter Taylor, Director-CP Tech Center, Gordon Smith, Associate Director-CP Tech Center, and Steve Tritsch, Associate Director-CP Tech Center, attended the International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers Transportation and Development Institute (ASCE T&DI) in Chicago, Illinois. The three CP Tech Center Directors spoke on concrete pavement topics including:
• Performance Engineered Mixtures (PEM)
• Recycled concrete
• Mixture proportioning
• Structural factors
Tritsch noted that as the Strategic Study of Structural Factors for Rigid Pavements (SPS-2) nears 28 years, it is essential that a Phase II cradle-to-grave analysis of its 10 remaining in-service pavements (out of an original 14) is established to help answer the key question: What are the optimal pavement preservation strategies for long-term pavement performance and how long do they last?

T&DI International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference Proceedings are NOW AVAILABLE on the ASCE Website: Selected papers from the International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference 2019, held in Chicago, Illinois, July 21–24, 2019. Sponsored by the Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE. This proceedings will be of interest to transportation infrastructure researchers, consultants, designers, project/construction managers, and contractors from around the world.
1 – Airfield and Highway Pavements 2019: Design, Construction, Condition Evaluation, and Management of Pavements: 44 peer-reviewed papers on the design, construction, evaluation, and management of airfield and highway pavements: Topics include: mechanistic-empirical pavement design methods; advanced modeling techniques for pavements; construction specifications and quality monitoring; accelerated pavement testing; rehabilitation and preservation methods; pavement condition evaluation; and network-level management of pavements.
2 – Airfield and Highway Pavements 2019: Testing and Characterization of Pavement Materials: 57 peer-reviewed papers: Topics include: laboratory and field characterization of asphalt binders, modifiers, and rejuvenators; asphalt mixtures and modification; recycled and waste materials in asphalt mixtures; unbound base and subgrade materials; layer stabilization; and recent advances in cementitious materials characterization and concrete pavement technology.
3 – Airfield and Highway Pavements 2019: Innovation and Sustainability in Highway and Airfield Pavement Technology: This collection contains 45 peer-reviewed papers on innovation and sustainability of airfield and highway pavements. Topics include: construction quality monitoring of highway pavements; innovations in highway pavement design; sustainable materials; pavements and the environment; life-cycle methods for pavement assessment; airfield pavement design technology and specifications; modeling of airfield pavements; use of accelerated loading systems for airfield pavements; and airfield pavement condition evaluation.
To view the ASCE proceedings page, please click on image to right or go to: https://ascelibrary.org/proceedings
JULY 25-26:
Hamed Sadati, Assistant Scientist-CP Tech Center, taught two short “Professors’ Workshop” courses, namely “Mixture Design for Concrete Pavements” and “Concrete Overlays” at the American Concrete Institute (ACI) headquarters in Farmington Hills, Michigan. The Professors’ Workshop, cosponsored by the Portland Cement Association (PCA) and ACI, helps faculty and graduate students who are developing or updating concrete-related courses gain course development strategies and resources—including CP Tech Center publications appropriate for early practitioners beginning work in the concrete pavement area, as well as helpful links.
Real-life concrete pavement systems frequently throw a level of complexity at early practitioners, beyond what standard textbook scenarios describe. Students and early practitioners might need help in understanding key issues in the design, construction, and maintenance of concrete pavements.
CP Tech Center has put together a curated list of publications and links to other concrete organizations’ educational repositories, to provide early practitioners with easy access to the fundamental knowledge necessary to make optimal pavement-related decisions. Experienced concrete practitioners can benefit from this resource list covering not only tried-and-true best practice for concrete applications, but also more recent research and technological innovations. For links to additional resources from CP Tech’s extensive library, see the Publications and Useful Links on the “Early practitioner resources on concrete pavements” webpage: https://cptechcenter.org/early-practitioner-resources/.
MAPS: Grey: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._state and
Color (states visited): https://www.thoughtco.com/smallest-states-in-the-united-states-4071971