REGISTER by AUG 30 for NCC Fall Workshop 2019 (HOTEL by AUG 19 or when full) Sep 10-12 in Montana, Reception Sep 9

The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) will hold its Fall 2019 National Concrete Consortium (Fall 2019 NCC) at The Red Lion Hotel in Kalispell, Montana September 10-12, 2019 with a Welcome Reception on September 9.

The Red Lion HOTEL Registration DEADLINE is
August 19 (or when FULL): NCC block: “NATI0129”
NCC Registration DEADLINE is August 30

Fall 2019 NCC will entail a Full Program, Breakfasts, Lunches Days 1 & 2, and a TECHNICAL TOUR to the “Hungry Horse Dam”.

To make the HOTEL RESERVATIONS by August 19, please go to:
To REGISTER for the NCC Fall 2019 by August 30, please go to:
For NCC information, please go to:

For all information, please see the ISCP July article “NCC Fall Workshop 2019 to be Held Sep 10-12 in Montana, Reception Sep 9”:

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