MnROAD WEBINAR: “Petrographic Laboratory Investigations of Oldest Concrete Pavement in America—Bellefontaine, OH”

“Research Pays Off Seminar Series”
—held every 3rd Tuesday of the month:
“Petrographic Laboratory Investigations of
Oldest Concrete Pavement in America—Bellefontaine, OH”
Presented by Gerard Moulzolf, American Engineering Testing (AET)
TUESDAY   |   JUNE 18   |   10:00 CT   /   11:00 EST

A case study of the oldest concrete pavement in America—Bellefontaine, OH

SUMMARY: In the summer of 2016, AET was contacted by the American Concrete Paving Association (ACPA) to investigate concrete from Court Avenue in Bellefontaine, Ohio—the oldest concrete pavement in the United States. The study involved several collaborating parties in both the private and academic sectors to assess the physical, chemical, and geologic properties of the historic pavement, which is still in service. The goals of the investigation were to understand how a concrete pavement placed in 1893 is still performing and what implications can be drawn to modern portland cement concrete pavements (PCCP’s) used in highway construction.

AET received two pavement sections from the ACPA for the laboratory study. Representative sub-samples were procured by AET and sent to 4 separate laboratories to perform analysis of their choosing. Techniques utilized in the study included: petrography (optical microscopy), air void system analysis, scanning electron microscopy, electrical resistivity, neutron imaging, thermogravimetric analysis, and low-temperature differential scanning calorimetry.

These combined studies revealed the nature of the pavement’s construction, the properties and attributes of the raw materials utilized, and led to an understanding of the pavement’s durability and longevity. Specific material properties obtained by the study were as follows:
• Aggregate characteristics which included Lithology/type/size/grading
• Hardened paste properties—air void system parameters/water-cement ratio/cement clinker chemistry and morphology
• Physical concrete characteristics obtained—permeability, volume of permeable pores, and sorptivity

Petrography in-particular has proven a beneficial tool in the assessment of concrete (both young and old) and is a testament to the power of applied geology in highway engineering and construction.

TO JOIN THE WEBINAR, and for all information, please go to:

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) and Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)‘s MnROAD provide a monthly WEBINAR every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. (CT) to highlight research topics that will make an impact on the work done here in the state of Minnesota and around the country.

For the ISCP April 2016 article & video on the OLDEST CONCRETE STREET IN AMERICA titled “125th Anniversary Commemoration & Tour of First U.S. Concrete Street Held in Bellefontaine, Ohio (Audio & Video)”, please go to:

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