DEADLINE EXTENDED!! ISCP and Organizers are requesting ABSTRACTS for
the 12th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (12th ICCP)
by JUNE 8, 2019!
Papers and conference presentations are being solicited for a wide range of topics related to the mission of the ISCP:
To further engineering and technical education, scientific investigation, and research in all areas related to the concrete pavements. Papers and presentations dealing with emerging topics are also encouraged.

The 12th ICCP will be held August 30-September 3, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA and the conference steering committee invites all potential authors to submit an abstract online on the conference website! The 12th Conference is organized by ISCP, in cooperation with Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), the National Road Research Alliance (NRRA), and the Transportation Research Board (TRB). Held every 4 years, the 12th ICCP 2020 will carry on the tradition of a series of international conferences begun in 1977 by Purdue University—now organized by ISCP. As with the previous international conferences, the focus of the 12th conference will be to present information on new technologies related to the design, construction & rehabilitation of various types of concrete pavements. This conference is targeted for pavement, materials, & geotechnical engineering professionals who are involved in any aspect of concrete pavement design, construction, testing, evaluation, & rehabilitation including the following:
- Federal, state, provincial, and municipal engineers
- Consulting engineers
- Contractors
- Material suppliers
- Academia
For the 12th ICCP 2020 Conference ABSTRACT PAGE, with:
– Paper Formatting Guidelines –
• Manuscript Requirements for Publication (.doc)
• Example of Typeset Proceedings Format (.pdf)
– Abstract and Paper Submissions –
• Access the Online Paper Submission System,
please go to:
For the FIRST CALL for PAPERS BROCHURE, please click on image above, or go to:
For the 12th ICCP 2020 Web Page, please go to:
For all previous (11) ICCP conferences, please go to:
For the ISCP February, 2019 article titled “Announcement & 1st Call for Abstracts: 12th ICCP”, please go to: