WEBINAR: TRB-“Simplified Full-Depth Precast Concrete Deck Panel System”: Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) will conduct a webinar titled
“Simplified Full-Depth Precast Concrete Deck Panel Systems”
Tuesday   |   April 30, 2019   |   1:00 PM to 2:30 PM ET

This webinar will feature research from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)’s Research Report 895: Simplified Full-Depth Precast Concrete Deck Panel Systems. It will describe the development of a full-depth precast concrete deck panel system with simplified connection details. The connection details promote extending the spacing between clusters of studs while using discrete joints between the precast deck panel system and the supporting concrete or steel girders. Presenters will discuss the investigation and validation of the system’s behavior. They will also describe the set of guidelines that were developed to directly implement this system.

Click to go to Report

Webinar Presenters:
Sameh Badie, The George Washington University
George Morcous, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Pedro Silva, The George Washington University

For more information and to REGISTER for this webinar, please go to: http://www.trb.org/main/blurbs/178879.aspx
(Advance registration is available until just before the webinar starts)

Registration questions? Please contact:
Reggie Gillum   |   E-mail: RGillum@nas.edu

Some registrants will need to pay $95 to attend this webinar.
Sign into MyTRB.org to view registration information.
In order to register for a webinar, please sign in using your MyTRB username and password.

Professional Development Hour (PDH) Information:
A certificate for 1.5 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) will be provided to individuals who are Professional Engineers (PEs), who register and attend the webinar as an individual. For approved webinars, TRB’s webinar program awards Registered Continuing Education Provider (RCEP) PDH credits associated with participation only to the registered individual and not to other members of a group that view the webinar together. To receive PDH credits, please register as an individual and sign into the webinar from your personal computer. After doing this, you may join your group in a meeting room. To be eligible for the credits, individuals must remain signed in for the entire webinar, including for any question and answer session following the presentations.

In addition, advance registration is available until just before the webinar starts. Once the webinar starts, you will be unable to submit your registration. Individuals that are registered for a webinar, but do not receive their confirmation emails due to their organization’s internal firewalls, please contact the TRB Helpdesk for assistance in signing in: E-mail: MyTRB@nas.edu

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