SAVE THE DATES! Airport Pavement Design & Construction Workshop to be Held Oct. 22-24, 2019

The American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) is encouraging anyone interested in their “Airport Pavement Design & Construction Workshop” to save the dates for this popular event. The workshop this year will be held at the Hilton Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA from October 22 through 24, 2019. Gary Mitchell, Airport Pavement Technology-ACPA, is currently finalizing the agenda and developing a solid line-up of experts on all aspects of airport pavement design and construction.

One of the popular highlights of the workshop is straightforward, often spirited discussions about concrete pavement specifications for airports, notably the FAA’s P-501 spec and the UFGS 32 13 14.13 spec used for US Army Corps of Engineers and other Tri-Services projects. Additional details, including the workshop agenda, speaker information, and event & hotel registration will be posted as details are confirmed. ACPA will notify members and affiliates through ACPA TODAY, blast emails, and social media posts.

Until then … save the dates!

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