The Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Strategic Study of Structural Factors for Rigid Pavements (SPS-2) study represents the most comprehensive set of concrete pavement performance data in the United States. In 2018, a series of six events were held to provide an overview of the SPS-2 Study and to evaluate SPS projects throughout the United States. The 2018 SPS-2 Tech Day events can be found in the link to the SPS-2 Resource Center below.
The 2019 “SPS-2 tech day” program is beginning! There is no charge for attendance, but registration is required. Each link below will access the event’s digital flyer (PDF) that contains specific details, including the email address of the person to contact for registration. The program is taking form and beginning with the following events; to register, please click on images above, or on the links below to go to the PDF Flyer of the event:
Caltrans—Stockton, California
Stockton, CA – Dulce Rufino Feldman, Caltrans
• Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Program: Jack Springer, P.E., LTPP FHWA
• LTPP SPS-2 Concrete Pavement Experiment: Larry Scofield, P.E., IGGA/ACPA
• Performance of the LTPP SPS-2 Concrete Pavement with Focus on the California Sections:
Kevin Senn, P.E., NCE
• Lessons Learned from the LTPP MIT Scan: Jack Springer, P.E., LTPP FHWA
• SPS-2 Pooled Fund: Jeff Uhlmeyer, P.E, WSDOT
ArDOT—Little Rock, Arkansas
Little Rock, AR – Alan Meadors, OK/AR Chapter-ACPA
• Long Term Pavement Performance Program (LTTP): Kevin Senn, P.E., NCE
• LTPP SPS-2 Experiment and Construction: Alan Meadors, P.E., ACPA
• Performance of SPS-2 Test Sections: Kevin Senn, P.E., NCE
• SPS-2 MIT Scan Results: Larry Scofield, P.E., IGGA/ACPA
• Lessons Learned From SPS-2 Nationally: Larry Scofield, P.E., IGGA/ACPA
ACPA has created a special “SPS-2 Program Page” that will include the dates, locations, and resource materials associated with all events planned for this year, as they are finalized and resource materials are obtained. The page includes the 2018 events, and will be updated as the 2019 events occur. For the SPS-2 Program Page, please go to: www.acpa.org/sps-2-0219/
The online SPS-2 Resource Center includes content from the 2018 tech day programs and additional background information; and allows you to take a virtual tour of the SPS-2 Section in Kansas: http://www.acpa.org/sps-2-tech-day-event-on-concrete-pavement-preservation/