A Japanese delegation visited Belgium January 28 to February 1, 2019 with the aim to learn and exchange experiences in the field of continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP). Thirteen (13) guests came from the Japanese Cement Association, Ishikawa National College of Technology, the East Nippon Expressway Co. and its Research Institute, Taisei Rotec Co., and Oriental Consultants were welcomed by EUPAVE, FEBELCEM (Federation of the Belgian Cement Industry), the BRRC (Belgian Road Research Centre) and AB-Roads.
The first day of the visit took place in the Belgian Road Research Centre where they were welcomed by Mrs. Annick De Swaef, Director-General-BRRC, Mr. Etienne Scherpereel, Vice-President-BRRC, and Mr. Claude Van Rooten, President-PIARC, the World Road Association. Several presentations were on the agenda:
- Luc Rens, EUPAVE/FEBELCEM: the history of CRCP and its maintenance and repair techniques
- Elia Boonen, BRRC: the basic principles and standard technical specifications for design and construction of CRCP in Belgium
- Anne Beelines, AB-Roads: the special applications of CRCP—roundabouts and tramways; highlighted a special case of distress—the phenomenon of horizontal cracking
- Pieter De Winne, Head of the Road Engineering Division-Flemish Road Authorities: presented his organization; explained the reasons for choosing CRCP on the most intensely trafficked part of the motorway network
- Mr. Nishizawa, Professor-Ishikawa National College of Technology: the Japanese experiences and practices in concrete road construction.
After the presentations, the participants visited a nearby site in Steenokkerzeel with a CRCP bypass road and a CRCP roundabout, built in 2003.
On the second day, the delegation visited the FEBELCEM and EUPAVE premises where they received a presentation by Mrs. Nathalie Balfroid about the worksite of Couvin. They then visited the thriving 48-year-old motorway E40, as well as some rural roads in jointed concrete and in CRCP. In the evening, Belgian and Japanese delegates shared a dinner at the restaurant Samouraï in Brussels city center, hosted by BRRC .
On the last day, Luc Rens guided the group to different CRCP sites in Flanders—motorways (E40 Brussels-Ostend; E17 Gent-Kortrijk; A11 Gent-Antwerp; R1 Ring of Antwerp; A12 Antwerp-Brussels). A final visit was scheduled to the Nieuwelaan in Meise—a remarkable road in jointed concrete slabs that was built in 1952 (67 years old).
Exchanging experiences and visiting projects are excellent ways to learn how design rules and construction practices are related to the behavior of road pavements. It was a pleasure for EUPAVE to contribute to the exchange with the Japanese colleagues. EUPAVE thanks the BRRC, FEBELCEM, AB-Roads, TRBA, the Flemish Road Authorities, and the Walloon Road Authorities for the fine collaboration in hosting this visit.
For more information, please go to: https://www.eupave.eu/visit-of-japanese-delegation-to-belgian-continuously-reinforced-concrete-pavements-crcp/
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