ACPA Announces New Geotextile Guide Spec

Click for 10-page PDF

With the increasing use of geotextiles as cost-effective replacements for other interlayer materials (such as thin asphalt layers), the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) has released a new guideline specification for use when geotextile material is used as a bond breaker, for drainage and a separation interlayer for concrete pavements in new construction and unbonded overlays.

The guide spec applies to two methods of installation—adhesive and nail-down—and is intended for use in developing either a project specification or an office master specification. An owner, engineer, or contractor must apply these guidelines to create specifications for specific local projects by selecting from the material standards and test methods provided in these guidelines.

This document references appropriate material standards, test methods and specifications of the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM), the Geosynthetic Accredidation Institute (GAI), and the British Standards Institution. These references assume that the contractor and the engineer will use the applicable standards or methods that are in effect when bids are solicited for the project. It also assumes that the specification writer will choose the standard or test most suitable for their agency/project.

Footnotes accompany some specification provisions. The added details in the footnotes describe reasoning for certain specification features, as well as choices and important references for clarity to the specification writer.

For the 10-page PDF titled “ACPA Guide Specification-Geotextile Separation Interlayer Guide Specification”, please click on image above, or go to:

For questions or additional information, please contact:
Leif Wathne, Executive Vice President-ACPA   |   E-mail: