VIDEOS: FHWA Concrete Clips Cover Blended Cements

 The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)  has released 4 new videos on its “Concrete Clip” series:

1. “Blended Cements” video describes the various types of blended cements that can yield versatile concrete mixtures. The video begins with a description of secondary cementious materials, and then explains how they are blended directly or in combination with other materials to produce blended cements that offer a range of sustainability, performance, and cost benefits….ETC.

2. “Internal Curing” video describes how internal curing is evolving from bridge deck applications to concrete pavement applications, including CRCP, JPCP, and concrete repair projects.

3. “Aggregates for Concrete Blending Mixtures”

4. “Cement Manufacturing”

For all 4 FHWA VIDEOS on the “Concrete Clip Channel”, please go to:

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