Register by Nov 1st! Luncheon, 2-Layered CRCP Worksite Visit, & Reception—Belgium

“Construction of the E420-N5 By-Pass of Couvin
in two-layered continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP)”

Friday, November 9, 2018
12.30 to 16.30

Brasserie des Fagnes
26, route de Nismes – B 5660   |   Mariembourg  (Couvin)  |  Belgium

FEBELCEM, EUPAVE and the Belgian Road Association (ABR-BWV) are glad to invite you to the worksite visit of the “Construction of the by-pass road of Couvin in two-layered CRCP”.

  • WELCOME COFFEE and SANDWICH LUNCH at Brasserie des Fagnes, Mariembourg (Couvin) will begin the day, followed by
  • PRESENTATIONS (given in English) of the:
  1. Worksite
  2. Concrete paving company
  3. Technique of two-layered CRCP
  • VISIT OF THE JOBSITE followed by
  • A RECEPTION that will be held back at the Brasserie des Fagnes

Free participation
for ABR-BWV and EUPAVE Members and Partners

€75,- for other participants

  • For Belgian participants, payment via FEBELCEM account IBAN : BE06 1910 5146 4122 | BIC : CREGBEBB
  • For non-Belgian participants, payment via EUPAVE account IBAN : BE59 7320 1734 1126 | BIC : CREGBEBB

Registration and payment until November 1, 2018! Limited number of participants.
Please fill out the REGISTRATION FORM and e-mail by November 1, 2018 to:
Elise Carabedian, Communications and Office Manager

For the FULL PROGRAM, please go to:

For the event website, please go to:

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