FEHRL Announces Launch of New “Forever Open Road” Website

Click to Enlarge: “Forever Open Road” Website

The Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL)
announces the new “Forever Open Road” website has been launched at
www.foreveropenroad.eu to replace the original 2013 site.

The new website has a much cleaner interface and is more easily navigable, enabling users to more easily find the information they require. There is also information on the National Programs and a new multi-media section where relevant videos and presentations will be uploaded.

Forever Open Road will tackle global challenges such as climate change, carbon reduction, energy saving, as well as the increasing need for journey time reliability in response to rising demand both for private car travel and the delivery of goods by road. At the same time, it will help meet societies goals to provide transport infrastructure that is:

  • Safe and secure
  • Sustainable, cleaner, quieter and more energy efficient
  • Supported by innovative and competitive industry and private sector
  • Provide reliable mobility based on user needs and expectations
  • Based on the need to take into account the shrinking public-sector budgets

There are three elements to the Forever Open Road:

  • The adaptable road
  • The automated road
  • The climate change resilient road

The road would adapt to future maintenance, changing capacity demand and vehicle manufacturer needs; it would automatically provide in-built vehicle guidance, as well as travel information and performance measurement; it will be built from sustainable materials; and will harvest, store and use energy, will cope with excess water and temperature change, and will be able to clean and repair itself.

FEHRL is particularly keen to receive video and multi-media files. If you have a project that you think fits the aims of the Forever Open Road, or that has received press attention, please send information to:

Martin Lamb, Program Manager-Forever Open Road
E-mail: martin.lamb@maple-consulting.uk

For the newly updated Forever Open Road website, please go to: www.foreveropenroad.eu

FEHRL—the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories National Road Research Centers in Partnership—Innovation for Transport Infrastructure—an international association of national research and technical institutes from across Europe. Over almost 30 years, FEHRL has grown to 31 countries, including members and associates throughout the EU states, European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries, and Eastern and Central European countries. Associates from non-European countries—USA, South Africa, and Israel—provide FEHRL with strong links to the considerable research capacity available globally. Transport infrastructure is the lifeblood of modern society, but often struggles to meet demands and expectations on reliability, availability, maintainability, safety, environment, health and cost. FEHRL’s role is to provide solutions for the challenges. In 2000, FEHRL became an international association, with its registered office in Brussels.

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