The German InformationsZentrum Beton, together with the European Concrete Paving Association (EUPAVE) and their partners, held the “13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads” June 19 to 22, 2018 at the Titanic Chausses Hotel-Berlin, Germany. The German Conference on Concrete Pavements “FGSV-Betonstrassengagung” was held on Wednesday June 19. Technical papers for the German Concrete Day included:
• High axle-load areas
• Highways and truck parking areas
• Urban and rural roads, intersections and roundabouts
• Materials – Concrete for various applications
• Precast systems
• Maintenance strategies, assessment of structural capacity of concrete pavements
• Surface characteristics and modern methods of execution
• General reports on application of concrete pavements
• Quality control and testing
• Big Data – concepts to optimize the use of entire infrastructure networks
The theme of the 13th Symposium “Concrete Connects” was particularly well chosen as the event was attended by 450 participants from 30 countries. Within the 3-day conference, there were 62 presentations given and 26 posters exhibited. There were 11 different themes covered on:
• Maintenance Strategies
• Case-studies
• High Axle-load areas
• Urban and Public Roads
• Quality Control
• Highways and Truck Parking Areas
• Surface Characteristics
• Big Data Soil Treatment
The 13th Symposium could not have been possible without the help of its 6 partners and 25 exhibitors. The 6 partners were: Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt), World Road Association (PIARC), International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP), Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen e. V. (FGSV), Guetegemeinschaft Verkehrsflächen aus beton e.V., and Verband Deutscher Zementwerke e.V. (VDZ). For more information on these cooperating partners, please go to: https://www.concreteroads2018.com/partners/cooperation-partners/. For the Exhibitors, please go to: https://www.concreteroads2018.com/exhibition-sponsoring/exhibitors/.

The Opening Session on Wednesday, June 20 included Welcome Speeches by Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing Ulrich Nolting, Managing Director-InformationsZentrum Beton GmbH; Gerhard Rühmkorf, Head of Section-Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (Germany); Stéphane Nicoud, President-EUPAVE; Claude Van Rooten–President-World Road Association; and Dir.’in Dipl.-Ing Elfriede Sauerwein-Braksiek, Chair-Road Transportation Research Association (FGSV).

The Keynote Speech was given by Dr. Michael Darter, Emeritus Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering-University of Illinois, and Principal Engineer-Applied Research Associates, Inc. The title was “Cost-Effective Pavement Design Requires Useful Prediction Models”. It clarified how concrete pavement performance, both for jointed and continuously reinforced concrete, can be predicted in an effective, useful and reliable way. For more information on Dr. Darter’s speech, please go to: https://www.eupave.eu/13-iscr-keynote-speech-michael-darter-concrete-pavements/
The Opening Session was also the occasion for EUPAVE to release its beautiful new promotional video. It can be found on the ISCP home page: https://www.concretepavements.org/2018/07/05/eupave-video-paving-your-roads/
Thursday afternoon held 4 Technical Tours with a Food Truck:
1. Excursion to CEMEX Zement GmbH, Rüdersdorf cement works
2. Construction of a Bus Stop with Precast Concrete Slabs in Berlin
3. Technical Trip Grinding – Federal Motorway A10
4. Construction of a Shiplift (Nieder now Boat Lift)

The 13th ISCR ended Friday June 22 with prize-giving for:
- Best Marketing Paper Award: “Creation and development of pavementdesigner.org – a unified industry-wide pavement design tool for concrete and cement-based solutions” by Eric Ferrebee, Andy Gieraltowski and Gerald Voigt-ACPA (USA)
- Best Technical Paper Award: “Precast concrete pavement for rapid replacement of intersections and ramps” by Sam Tyson from the Federal Highway Administration and Shiraz Tayabji from Advanced Concrete Pavement Consultancy LLC (USA)
Poland and Turkey were declared the two countries that are the candidates to host the 14th International Symposium on Concrete Roads (14th ISCR)—the decision will be announced in 2019.
For the full program of the Symposium, please go to: https://www.eupave.eu/wp-content/uploads/Programme_ISCR-2018.pdf
For all pictures, please go to the Dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xu830d934hifodc/AADDiRurb6aNowRfb98u4AMZa?dl=0
For the EUPAVE article titled “Great success and a momentum for concrete pavements on the 13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads!”, please go to: https://www.eupave.eu/great-success-and-a-momentun-for-concrete-pavements-on-the-13th-international-symposium-on-concrete-roads/