The “9th International Delft University of Technology (DUT)-Workshop on Research and Innovations for Design of Sustainable and Durable Concrete Pavements” was held in historic Potsdam, Germany (near Berlin) June 17-18, 2018. According to tradition, this Workshop was complementary to, and preceded the “13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads”, held June 19-22, 2018 in Berlin, Germany—where a summary of the Workshop papers was presented as well. The Workshop was organized by Delft University of Technology (DUT) in cooperation with the Federation of the Belgian Cement Industry (FEBELCEM—la Fédération de l’Industrie Cimentière Belge), European Concrete Paving Association (EUPAVE), and the International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP).
Participants from 5 continents met to discuss the latest research and development in concrete pavements. ISCP Honorary Member Dr. Michael Darter gave the keynote presentation on the topic of rigid pavement mechanistic-empirical design developments. Current ISCP President Jeff Roesler participated in the workshop as well as several ISCP past presidents: Drs. Mark Snyder, Dan Zollinger, and Neeraj Buch. Current ISCP Board of Directors Mr. Luc Rens and Dr. Rolf Breitenbuecher attended the workshop along with participation from past ISCP Board of Directors Dr. Lev Khazanovich, Dr. Jose Balbo, and Mr. Stephan Villaret. Experts and researchers in the field of design, performance and evaluation of sustainable and durable concrete pavements for roads, airports, bridges, industrial yards and railways were in attendance. Participants engaged in-depth discussions and open exchange of theoretical ideas. The Workshop program consisted of three main themes, each dealing with several topics:
- Materials
- Advanced design, performance and evaluation of concrete pavements
- Innovative concrete pavement structures
Copies of all of the papers (together with the statements, discussions, conclusions and recommendations) were published on USB and made available to the participants prior to the Workshop.

The “10th International DUT-Workshop” will be held in 2022 in conjunction with the 14th International Symposium on Concrete Roads at a location in Europe that has not been finalized.
For PDF of the Call for Abstracts, please click on the image to the bottom left, or click here: ISCPMAR_Call for Abstracts 9th Workshop Concrete Pavements, Potsdam, June 2018.
For the ISCP pre-workshop article titled “DUE NOV 1, 2017: Abstracts: “9th International DUT-Workshop on Research & Innovations for Design of Sustainable & Durable Concrete Pavements”, Germany, June, 2018”, please go to: https://www.concretepavements.org/2017/10/29/call-for-abstracts-9th-international-dut-workshop-on-research-innovations-for-design-of-sustainable-durable-concrete-pavements-germany-to-be-held-june-2018/
For the PDF of the pre-workshop brochure, please go to: https://www.concretepavements.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ISCPMAR_Call-for-Abstracts-9th-Workshop-Concrete-Pavements-Potsdam-June-2018.pdf
For questions, please contact:
Mrs. J. Barnhoorn, Secretariat-Delft University of Technology, Faculty Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Phone: + 31 15 2785066 | E-mail: a.p.m.barnhoorn@tudelft.nl
Address: P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, the Netherlands